(21) run 🏃‍♂️

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𝙳𝚎𝚔𝚞'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟:
'Why does this always happen to us' I sighed at toga as we ran from the police as we hopped from roof to roof through dingy alley ways away from the main roads or pathways trying to get the random hero that I have never heard of because he wasn't relevant and only did day patrols. But no matter how hard we tried to get him of our tail he kept following us. Ughhh this is so annoying' I shouted
' tell me about it' toga said rolling her eyes fine I'll ask for help I thought now wanting to at all.
I waited till we went into another alley and made sure the stupid fucking hero wasn't behind us 'KUROGIRI !" I shouted and the purple portal spun, warping into an oval shape, almost like a mirror, as we walked through we made sure the hero didn't follow us once toga stepped into the bar the portal shut quickly behind us stopping anyone else entering.
I went up stairs to get in the shower to wash all the blood of "hey baby you feel tense are you okay" dabi said joining me in the shower as he started to wash my hair to try n get me to relax "I don't know I just have this uneasy feeling, like somethings about to happen it's weird like we are all here right, we'll besides ochako but yeh why do I feel like this" i questioned "I don't know honestly only you can answer that but, Wait you say Ochakos at school" "yeh why" I questioned "maybe something's happened to her" my eyes widen n I started to panic a bit fuck fuck fuck shitttt "TOGA" I screamed as I ran down the stairs frantically "yeh what" toga said looking confused " have you spoke to ochako" I said panicking " no why ?" she asked questionly " Ah shit fuck shit" i screamed " why you angry na" ( in thai na means to soften a line to make it not sound as harsh) " because i have this stupid gut feeling something bad has happened to her" " i shouldn't worry to much about this i'm sure she's fine she more the capable of looking after her self you know" " yeh yeh i know i know i'm just worried because i feel like i'm forgetting something" Dabi walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist whispering in my ear " don't worry your head to much love i'm sure she's fine" he finished and resting his head on my shoulder as i let out a sigh of annoyance i put my hands on top of his and calmed down.

on the other side ( spiral abyss vibes be like)

Ochakos pov:

"you can't keep me here forever they will come for me" " we will see about that" the mysterious man said waving my phone around "log in you bitch" "okay ,okay" i said typing in my password and giving him my phone back. He scrolled down doing god knows what until he showed me dekus number saved in my phone "now when i ring this you WILL tell him that you are okay and will spend a while at home helping your parents with money payments/ bills GOT IT" i just nodded my head not being able to disagree other wise i would be in deeper shit then i already am.

Now you may be wondering why how the fuck i got myself into this mess well you see, i was sent on a mission to collect files from ua's file room which containing all the dirt that us as villains find helpful like, hero's strength and weakness' which would help us massively.But as i thought i was sneaky i was clearly not as slick as i thought as for know i was held in this musty dungeon type place by the one and only monama who since the beginning has been dying to get a spot in class 1a but even after izukus leave shinso took his place which pissed monama of more and he only thought that was because shinso was Azaiwas son, but everyone sees shinso a better hero and person then monama yes his quirk would be good if he was a villain but it is also very useful for heros and with that i myself and the league need to be careful of. As for now i was tied to a post hands tied behind to keep me there and monama doing circles taunting me to give information when even if he tortured me till i was close to the end of my fate i still wouldn't given in. I would rather die than sell my friends out.

my phone started doing the daling number when you ring someone and my guess was that we were ringing deku but to my surprised it was my mum's voice that answered " hello, darling are you okay" he raised his eyebrow at me and put my phone up to my ear " yeh mum im okay but i want you to do something for me" i asked " anything for you hun what is it you want me to do" she replied politely and sweetly like always " okay so if you get a call from deku" i paused and monama looked at me and did the hand signaling to keep going " can you tell him that i am at home helping you guys with bills and money issues we haven't fell out i just want space and need sometime to think tell him i will be gone for awhile if he asks" i said slightly crying but not alot to make sure my mum didn't notice "okay sweetie stay safe" i smiled at that though i knew i wasn't "i will mum don't worry, byeee ma" i said "bye honey". " there, are you happy, i just lied to my mum for you, do what you like to me you will never get any information out of me i will find away out of here just you wait". " yeh yeh whatever you say, you know for a girl you have a lot of nerve" i cringed at the sexism in that line god he can't get any worse can he, he does realise that this will only affect his chance of being a hero if he carries on , " you know you will never be a hero if someone finds out what you are doing, you will tarnish your own reputation" "what would you know you villain scum or betrayed ua for what exactly your cant tell me SHIT because you have given up with your dream so maybe just SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop being a smart mouth cause it won't end you in a good place", " so whattt id prefer to die then see you ugly face for days or how ever long you will keep me here" "you little bitch" a sharp slap hit me in the face making me wince staining a red handprint on my face and my eyes glared up at him scothing " no matter what you do i will never you hear me NEVER betray my friends for someone like you" "hmm we will see about that" he said smiling "now let's call that so called leader of yours" he smirked and chuckled to himself and the phone started ringing

" hello" deku spoke


~ 1365

okay so im back im sorry for not updating this for awhile i have just been focusing on my gsces and im doing this while in my breaks between mocks so here you go im gonna make the parts longer because i haven't updated for a while. i will try and update every week or so

i have also gotten this idea from kinnporsche if you have watched it and no im not gonna copy kinnporsche like it ends with vegaspete absolutely not lmao

anyway good luck with mocks for people who have gotten and enjoy your weekend/ week day

peace out lovelys :)

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