(13) plan ‼️

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Ri's POV
So I am back and will try and update daily so for not posting for a while. Also their is a lot of mistakes in this so ye.

Izukus pov:
It was break time in ua me, kacchan , shoto , kiri and ochako all hung out on the rooftops just chatting about random stuff and how endeavour is literally a piece of shit. I started to get bored and saw that dabi had text me
Dabi - hey izu how r u
Izu - hey sorry for the late reply alright I met ur brother he's really nice but he refuses to use his fire said because his dad well ur dad is a bitch so yup
Dabi : oh well Maybe we coupd kidnap him and we could see if he will join cause of his back story and to get back at my dad.
Izu: Ye do it tonight or something 
Dabi: ye I have to go on a mission now I will see u tonight. Love you
Izu: okay stay safe love you 2

At the end of break the bell rang to go to class so we all walked back to out class and sat in our seats.
The lesson went on boring as normal learning about hero shit that we don't need to know my phone went off saying someone had text me luckily no one heard it. I took my phone and read the message it was from shiggi saying they are going to attack at the end of school so I was excited it also told me that we were going to kiddnap shoto so ye.
After class:
Lunch soon came round me and kacchan went and got our lunch from the nearest place that sales katsudon and we went to the nearest convenient store and got a notebook.

After lunch

alright problem children we are going to do training but it's going to be at the usj and your hero suits have been made by ur requested design they have been placed in your locker in the changing rooms. - azawia
Everyone agreed I gave kacchan a look saying that it's the time to get the strengths and weakness I ran up to him and told him about the attack and he said it was fine.

Izu - hey shiggy that's fine also we gone be at the usj for training
Tenko - okay that's fine see you in a bit
Izu - see you in a bit
Everyone got in the bus and was travelling to the usj I went over the plan (In code) with kacchan
We finally arrived at the usj everyone bursting with excitement to get training we all went in and waited in the center 14 ( I think she's called 14 but I'm not sure cause I can t remember lol) came to we're we stood she explained what to do and we all went to it.
I watched everyone's movements then it sprung to me shoto doesn't use his fire side so I got my phone out and text dabi saying the shoto doesn't use his fire side so ye.
Skip to attack
Some alarms went off signifying that villans were here we all got prepared on fighting I fought shiggy he "captured me" and brought me through the portal same with kacchan and then shoto everyone was fighting so hard and screaming our names my god is was funny I could help but laugh when I got through the portal shiggy let go off me and toga let go of kacchan we tired shoto to a chair and waited for him to wake up.

Ri's pov
Okay Ik this is shit but I'm struggling to fit it in cause of school work and me doing my GCSEs so and I will try and post every 3 days or so but I will make sure that I update every week
Gn/gd make sure to eat and drink and get sleep love you all oh and thanks for the vote and views it means the world to me peace out my lovely simps

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