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Apple was making another apple. He wanted the apple to be like blue apple but with a little more viciousness. "Food!" rainbow apple yelled while running outside. "What is it on too now?" apple grumbled while following it. Out of curiosity, blue apple went into the making room and saw a white apple. "Hello." blue apple said. White apple said nothing. "Can you talk?" blue apple asked. White apple looked at blue apple. "It's not hard," blue apple said, "just let me get you off the table." Blue apple tried to pick up white apple but then accidentally tipped it off the table. White apple fell onto the floor and broke its front in half. "Are you okay?!" blue apple asked while trying to help up white apple.

Apple went back into the making room and saw blue apple and white apple. "What did you do!?" Apple shouted. "I-I-I'm sorry I just wanted to teach it how to talk and walk." blue apple pleaded. "It wasn't finished yet!" Apple shouted while walking over to white apple and picking it up. "You will be cleaning up this mess!" apple strictly told blue apple. "Okay." blue apple said while getting to work. Apple stormed over to the small room and trew white apple with unnamed creation, thinking it was dead. But little did Apple know white apple was still alive.

Rainbow apple ate all of the glass pieces except for one. "For black." it thought while going to the closet. Black apple was sleeping in the closet until rainbow apple came. "For you." rainbow apple said. It plopped the glass piece into black apples mouth. Since black apple was too weak to do anything exept live, the glass piece just slid through its throat.

Blue apple was sent outside to kill once again. Since apple couldn't find rainbow apple, it was just blue apple. "I don't want to kill windows." blue apple thought while standing near the fence. "But I don't want him to find out." Blue apple climbed the fence. When blue apple was at the top of the fence it saw 98 by itself. It jumped around the fence and into the bush. Blue apple started thinking of a plan, and then got a brilliant idea. It started walking up to 98. When 98 saw blue apple it was frozen in fear. "Are you tired of being an outcast?" blue apple asked, 98 nobbed. "Well then come with me." blue apple said.

98 followed blue apple towards the fence and saw it climb over it. "I'm not allowed to go over the fence." 98 said nervously. "Oh come on!" blue apple said on top of the fence, "what could possibly go wrong?" 98 took a deep breath and flew over the fence. Blue apple pointed towards the little cage that Microsoft built. "Go in it." blue apple said. "Why?" 98 asked. "You want to be cool, right?" blue apple asked. 98 was feeling hesitant about this but then went into the cage.

98 looked around the cage. "What am I supposed to do?" 98 asked. Blue apple closed the cage door and started laughing. "Wait!" 98 shouted while holding onto the bars. "I don't want to do this anymore, I want to get out!" Blue apple continued laughing. "I know what this is, get me out!" 98 tried to get the bars loose but failed. The cage started flooding, and 98 started getting pulled into the river. "Help!" 98 desperately shouted while trying to escape the creature's grip. "Im drowning!" And after that 98 was dead.

Blue apple went home feeling guilty but at the same time it was thinking about how much fun it had. "I can't wait to tell rainbow apple!" it thought. NT went outside. "You can come in now." It said but 98 wasn't there. NT searched around the area but still couldn't find 98. "Where's 98?" 2000 asked. "I can't find it nor its glass pieces." NT said. "Maybe it went over the fence?" 2000 asked. "Nobody goes over the fence!" NT shouted, "unless an apple kidnapped 98 and ate it!" NT exclaimed. "I need a weapon."

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