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7 was in the building. “Hello XP.” it said. XP started to explain everything. “You won't snitch, right?” 7 looked over to XP. “No way I snitch! But maybe you should tell Microsoft since he knows everything.” “You sure he won't get mad?” XP asked. “NT told me that he had a friend named apple, and apple was the one who created the apples. I think he will understand.” 7  continued to practice with wires. “Okay, I'll tell him.” XP left.

Blue apple was sitting and thinking. “I need to tell him.” It thought, “I can't keep hiding the truth.” Blue apple went up to apple. “Can I talk to you about something?” it asked. “Okay.” Apple said. It was feeling very nervous. “Well, speak!” Apple shouted. “I don't want to eat windows anymore!” Blue apple said quickly. Apple paused, and then started to get mad, “What was that!?” he asked angrily. “I don't want to eat windows anymore.” blue apple said shyly. Apple couldn't believe what he just heard. “You will eat windows whether you like it or not! Killing windows is your purpose! It's the reason why I made you! Do what you were made to do before I kill you!” Blue apple just stood there. “Okay.” it said while tearing up. It then left.

XP went to microsoft. “Can I ask you a question?” it asked. “Of course!” Microsoft said. “Have a seat.” XP took a deep breath. “Have you ever felt uncontrollably happy when you are near this someone?” Microsoft started to feel sad. “Yes,” he said. XP was surprised, “7 was right.” it thought. “What is this feeling?” XP asked quietly. “I-It means you have a really good friend.” he said quickly, “who is this someone anyway?” XP stared at Microsoft, shaking. Then started crying while covering up its tears. Microsoft went over to XP and hugged it. “It's okay, I know how you feel.”  

“Why doesn't it want to kill windows anymore?” Apple thought to himself. “I should have done something when I first noticed that!” Apple saw blue apple leave. “Time to follow,” Apple quietly followed blue apple towards the hole. “So that's where it got its food! Through the holes!” he angrily thought. “Hey!” Apple shouted. Blue apple turned around. “Oh, apple, I-I didn't see you there.” it said nervously. “So is that the reasoning behind this!” Apple shouted. It said nothing. Apple was mad. “Next time you go through a hole you are dead! And I will know when you do!” Apple stormed home while blue apple just stood there, sad.

Blue apple had to stay inside the basement for a few days. The basement was where Macintosh was created but now it's a timeout spot. “Rainbow apple!” Apple called out. Rainbow apple looked over at apple. “You've been disappearing a lot, have you been going through the hole?!” Rainbow apple got scared and shook its head. “Then prove it by going over there!” Rainbow apple ran outside.

It ran towards the fence and climbed over it. “What do I do?” rainbow apple thought while in the bush. The only window it saw was NT. “How do I get it when it is with scary stick? Think like blue, think like blue, think like blue.” After some thinking, rainbow apple got an idea.

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