희승 ☾

111 1 0

yoo sein's pov

*click clack*

the sound of keyboard typing continued. online class sucks ass. i'm mentally drained from the amount of work online university has given.

does mental health not exist in their dictionary?

3 more assignments needed to be complete by a week. how do they expect us to finish a shit ton of work in the time of 1 week?

the voice of my lecturer was annoying as fuck.

ever since the pandemic occurred, i lost my motivation in school and started procrastinating. i just started getting back on track approximately a week ago thanks to help of my boyfriend, lee heeseung.

"alright class, make sure to submit your assignment. it's due in 1 week. if i don't receive all submissions, i'll provide extra assignments as a punishment."

"you are dismis-"

my fingers did not hesitate to click on the leave button on zoom before my lecturer even finished his words.

my bed was my first approach after i left class. i plopped on my bed head down on the sheets.

i was rethinking life choices

(babes me too 😨)

the door of my bedroom opened and a figure appeared,

which is none other than heeseung.

"babe, are you okay?"
he asked in concern as he sat at the edge of my bed.

"do i look like i'm okay?"

"calm down, i was just asking a question.."

"well, a excessively obvious one"
heeseung sighs.

"are you on your red day?"


"then, why are you so moody?"

"perhaps.. is it because of online university?"

"ding ding ding"
i said while my mood was completely drained.

he jumped on the bed and lightly pulled me next to him with his arm snaking around my waist. he pulled the sheets onto us and spooned me from behind.

"get some rest, babe. i know you're tired."

"alright alright"

he pulled me closer to him and snuggled his head into my neck. the scent of his perfume bloomed and i felt safe in his arms.

my eyes got more and more heavier. it slowly closed naturally as i snuggled in my boyfriend's arms.


300+ words

author's note: hi everyone 😩 sorry for not updated and (somewhat?) ghosting y'all 🙏🏻 i've been extremely unmotivated to update and zero ideas popped into my mind. i hope u enjoy this short oneshot as i rushed to finish this. stay safe and ily bye <33 🛐

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