Ashamed - Marcus Butler

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Thanks for all the reads on my first imagine! :)

I hope you don't think these imagines are too cheesy, because I do, hahaha.


(Y/N) = Your name

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Colour


"Heeeelloo!" His angelic voice rang in my ears. I was laying on Marcus's bed as he and Alfie were on younow.

"Hello guys, so today we thought that we were going to do a few challenges." Alfie began. "But, with a twist." Marcus continued. It's both cute and scary how they can end each others sentences.

"First off we're going to do the ice challenge while we're playing chubby bunny." Marcus said as he poured salt in Alfie's hand. I sat up and immediately met Marcus's eyes. He smiled at me but instead of giving a smile back I gave him a duck face, which he seemed to be funny because he started to laugh his ass off.

Me and Marcus have been dating for a few months now and everything's fine. Except that he hasn't said anything to his fans, I know that it isn't such a big deal but I feel like he's ashamed of me. And Marcus know how I feel because we've had endless conversations about it.

"OMG MY HAND IS ON FIRE!" Alfie screamed as he shoved 2 marshmallows in his mouth and threw away the ice. Marcus couldn't even get one in because he was too busy laughing at Alfie and as the cheeky bastard he is he had sugar in his hand instead of salt. I soon joined Marcus in his own little laugh party and that's when the chat went crazy.


'who is the girl???'

'marcus why are you laughing like a girl??!?'

"Eh-ehm..." Marcus stuttered as he looked over at me. I knew that he would say something like 'oh that was just my cousin' or tha-

"That was (Y/N), my girlfriend." Marcus said and looked right in the camera. WHAT? Did he actually just say what I think he said? AM I DREAMING?

Alfie gestured me to sit down with them on the couch and they both made room for me in the middle.

"This, dear viewers, is (Y/N)." Marcus said and he looked right at me, smiling. Oh that smile.

I waved to the camera and looked at the chat which was filled with lovely comments, and some hateful ones.

'ew marcus doesn't deserve you'

I know that I shouldn't pay attention to the hate but it hurts.

We all three continued to talk and listened to some music and we had a great time but that comment still haunted me.

"Well, that's it for today guys." Alfie said and both he and Marcus made sad faces. "Bye!" We all said as we turned it off.

"Wow that was... Interesting." I said as Marcus helped me up from the couch. Alfie packed his laptop and we said goodbye to him.

"(Y/N)?" Marcus said and hugged me from behind. "What?" I asked and turned around to face my gorgeous boyfriend.

"The only reason I didn't want us to be official yet was because I didn't want you to receive the hate, like you got today." He said in a low voice but loud enough for only me to hear.

"R-really?" I asked, placing both of my hands on his rosy cheeks.

Marcus didn't say a thing, he just nodded.

He placed one of his hands on my hip and brushed away a (Y/H/C) string of hair from my face.

"I wasn't ashamed of you (Y/N), I'll never be. I just don't want to see you upset because of something an anonymous person on the internet said." He said and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"Marcus, I don't care if I get hate, I don't care if people on the internet don't like me. The only thing I care about is you." I said.

"You're so cheesy (Y/N), you know that?" He said and chuckled as he leaned forward to kiss me.

"Oh shut up Marcus," I mumbled in the kiss. "I know you like it." I said when his lips leaved mine.

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