The mall - Caspar Lee

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ANYWAY, here's a new imagine about the south african youtuber - Caspar Lee.

It's quite short and I tried to not be as cheesy, ahaha.


(Y/N) = Your name

(Y/F/N) = Your Friends Name

(Y/C) = Your Country


It was a normal, boring saturday. I danced around in my room while getting dressed, well, I tried getting dressed. Me and (Y/F/N) were going to the mall, shopping and checking out cute boys, as usual.

When I finally had my clothes on I quickly got on the crowded bus to the mall where i'd meet (Y/F/N). I looked around and most of the people on the bus were youths, around my age.

"(Y/N) where the hell are you?" (Y/F/N) practically yelled through the phone when I called.

"Chill, i'm outside the mall." I laughed back. As I tried to not get trampled on by all the people the most thinkable thing happen - I run into someone.

I almost lost all my breath as the person ran into me, my phone flew out of my hand and landed with the screen flat down.

"Oh shit, i'm so sorry." A guy's voice said, but he wasn't from here, I could hear it on his accent. He reached down to pick up my phone so I couldn't see his face, but when he gave me back my phone I got a good look on him - and he was gorgeous.

His hair was blonde with a few brown highlights, he had the most beautiful aqua blue eyes and to top it all off, he had a killer smile. I got completely lost in his beauty and probably stood there with my jaw on the ground for at least 5 seconds.

"Oh, it's okay. It wasn't your fault." I said as I took my phone from his hand, letting my fingers touch his palm slightly.

"Are you sure? I can pay for the damages, if there's any." He said and looked concerned. I shook my head and gave him a smile to calm him down.

"I didn't catch your name?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation alive. Who was this guy?

"I'm Caspar," he said and shook my hand. "And you are?"

"My name's (Y/N)." I said and smiled.

Me and Caspar continued talking and I got to know that he wasn't from (Y/C), he was from South Africa. In the middle of our conversation my phone started ringing and that was when I remembered (Y/F/N).

"I'm so sorry," I said as I answered, and I met Caspar's eyes. "But I ran into a, friend." I said and Caspar laughed his adorable laugh of his.

I hung up and Caspar looked me right in the eyes, not in that uncomfortable way you can get, no, it wasn't like that.

"We should really talk again soon." He said and we exchanged phone numbers.

When we'd said goodbye I started to slowly walk away, but I couldn't resist it. I turned around to see Caspar walking in to the huge crowd of people, doing a little dance. I laughed at his adorableness and continued to walk.

"You won't believe what a cute guy I just met." I texted (Y/F/N) as the butterflies in the pit of my stomach were fighting a bloody battle.

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