Unexpected - Jack Harries

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Ok so this is my first imagine, ever, so don't expect anything, haha.

How to read: (Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/F/N) = Your Friends name

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Colour


I still can't believe that (Y/F/N) persuaded me to go on this blind date. My stomach was going to explode due to the overwhelming nervousness and the only thing I could think of was this guy, who was he?

All (Y/F/N) told me was that i've met this guy before and i'm starting to believe that all this was set up. Wait, am I on MTV's disaster date?!

(Y/F/N) also told me to dress casual so I put on a pair of skinny black jeans, a tight white long sleeve and a purple cardigan. I braided my (Y/H/C) bangs to the side and put on a fair amount of makeup. I looked myself in the mirror and I have to admit that I didn't look too bad.

"Shit." I hastily exclaimed as I shot an eye on the clock. I had 10 minutes to get to the park where I'd meet... him.

I rushed to my hallway and quickly put on my leather jacket and my brown boots. I closed the door with a slam and locked it before I started to walk to the park.

When I finally got there the sun was slowly going down, making the sky a orange colour. The trees were tall and formed and alley through the park and that was when I saw him sitting on a wooden bench, Jack.

A feeling of relief washed over me when I saw him, because the truth is that i've always had a little crush on him. I mean, who wouldn't? He was perfect. He had the best sense of humour, his personality was amazing and don't get me started on his looks.

"This was unexpected." I said when I approached him. He quickly looked up from his phone and he gave me one if his famous smiles.

"You know me (Y/N), i'm quite unexpected." He said and stood up to give me a hug. The scent of his cologne drove me insane and the warmth from his body send shivers through my frozen one.

We started to walk through the alley with the naked trees above us. The leaves were crunching under our feet as we walked and we talked about everything between the earth and heaven.

As we walked I shivered because of the cold spring weather, and Jack must have noticed that because he put an arm around my shoulders.

I looked up at him and smiled, and then I noticed how kissable his pink lips looked. His mouth was moving but I couldn't hear a word he said, it was like my tongue was tied and I couldn't say a thing.

"...what do you think?" I finally heard him say.

"Uh-uhm, what?" I asked and he chuckled at me.

"I said, there's a hotdog stand over there, we should grab something to eat." He repeated himself and i nodded and we walked to the stand and got our hotdogs. There was a wooden bench under a lamppost and since nobody sat there we took it.

"Jack, this is perfect." I said in between my bites. Once again he smiled at me.

"I knew that you would like this." He said quite confidently.

"Oh really?" I asked and raised an eyebrow at him as we both finished our hotdogs.

"Yeah, like I said, i'm quite unexpected." He said and the fact that Jack actually took time for me came across my mind, he's perfect.

When we'd finished our food we started to walk again and I don't know if it was because of the lights from the lampposts but Jack looked even more beautiful than before, I didn't think that was possible.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He suddenly stopped and I didn't know what to answer him.

"Eh, I-i-" I got cut off by his adorable laugh and his arms wrapped around my waist and I placed my hands on his biceps.

I swallowed the lump that had grow in my throat and looked him in his beautiful green eyes. He put his forehead against mine, making our noses touch slightly. His lips were hovering over mine and I could feel his hot breath on the tip of my tongue.

And of course, something had to ruin the moment. This time it was the damn rain.

I sighed but Jack didn't, he was smiling.

"This is perfect," he began "I've always wanted to kiss someone in the rain." He said before his lips crashed onto mine. They were soft and the kiss was passionate yet gentle, just like Jack.

Our lips moved in sync and his tongue skimmed across every wall as the rain slowly dripped down our faces. This was perfect, everything in this moment was perfect and I didn't wanted it to end, neither did Jack.

Then he detached his lips from mine and it felt cold.

"And i'm glad that someone was you, (Y/N)."


If you liked this imagine please let me know :)

And I hope it was good, ahahah

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