Changkyun~One Shot

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"Ready to go, y/n?" your best friend asked you as he entered your room quite excited. But then he saw you still on the bed, not even dressed up for the party.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he worriedly sat down and hugged you.

"Nothing, I'm fine." you lied.

"I know when something's wrong. C'mon, tell me."

"I just don't want to go to the party."


"Well..." you started and he turned his whole body towards you, showing you that he's paying attention.

"Some of your friends made fun of me for not...knowing how to kiss." you said, getting embarrassed at the last words.

"That's not a bad thing. A lot of people don't know how to kiss." he tried to comfort you but failed.

"I know, but it's just that-...I don't know..." you sighed and looked down.

"Why are you worrying so much about it?" he laughed. "It's not a big deal."

"Yes, it is Changkyun!" you almost screamed out of danger. "I'm sorry..."

"I can help you...if you want."

"With what? I barely know the difference between a peck and a kiss. And it's not like you will actually kiss me to demonstrate." you said sarcastically.

"Well a peck is just...a peck. And a kiss includes tongue. Most of the time. And about that part with the demonstration, I wouldn't mind doing it tho." Changkyun nervously bit his bottom lip, waiting for your reaction.

"We can't. You told me you have a crush on someone, right?"

"I know but you're my best friend. I'd rather help you than worry about whether she likes me back or not."

You eventually agreed and he smiled.

Changkyun helped you get up and you both stood face to face.

"What am I supposed to-"

"Oh right, sorry." he laughed.

"I will start off slowly with just a peck. If at any time you feel uncomfortable just let me know and I'll stop. Okay?"

""All right." you nodded and he softly placed his hands on your cheeks, looking onto your eyes as if he was asking for your permission to get closer.

You reassured him that it was okey and he came closer to your face, shortly pecking your lips.

"How did that feel?"

"How am I supposed to know? You barely kissed me." you frowned at him.

"That was just a peck, idiot. Lips only touch for a very short amount of time. I was just making you sure you don't feel disgusted or something."

"Oh, well I didn't. It was pretty good."

"Cool. Now I'm gonna show you a real kiss." the corner of his lips turned into a small smirk as he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you close enough for him to have a taste of your lips.

The sudden actions took you off guard as you had no idea what to do. Until Changkyun took your hands and put them around his neck. The kiss was slowly becoming more passionate and full of lust.

His tongue finally making its way inside your mouth. He tapped your thigh, signaling you to jump, which you did.

His hand gripped your waist as yours were playing with your hair.

"Do you want me to stop?" he suddenly asked.

"No-...I'm fine right now." you said breathing heavily.

he smiled and kissed you again, this time more aggressively.

"Wait. The party. And the girl, you said tonight is your only chance to confess your feelings to her."

"Yeah, you're right.But I think the kiss just made it easier for me."

"What kiss?" you looked at him confused and he chuckled.

"You're the girl that i have a crush on."

"But how-"

"I was waiting for the perfect time to confess, that's why I wanted to do it at the party. But you made my job easier..."

"Wow. I never noticed that. But the party-"

"Will you shut up about the party?" he laughed. "I got what I wanted. Forget about them, I need to take my new girlfriend on a date." you almost choked when you heard him say that.

"So will you let me do that?"

"Sure." the both of you got a little shy from the new events.

Right after you both left the house while holding hands.

Right after you both left the house while holding hands

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