Kihyun~One shot

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Kihyun loosens his tie and toes his shoes off, walking into the living room to find you doing exactly what he asked, before leaving for his press conference.

"You did such a great job cleaning up today, princess. The place looks much better."

"Thank you, sir-oh." You jolted, dropping the cloth you were using to wipe the window as he runs his hands up and down your sides, toying with the lace of the very short maid outfit that he bought for you weeks ago.

A small smile spreads across his lips.

"Didn't mean to scare you."

He spent the duration of the press conference dreaming of you cleaning up in the slutty maid outfit.

His head was constantly filled with filthy thoughts about you, but this is the one that gets his blood pumping and gets him absolutely feral.

As you bend down to pick the cloth back up, his hands travel down underneath the delicate fabric, squeezing the soft flesh of your ass.

"Stay right there, princess."

He holds you in that position, bending you over and bringing his strong hand down to spank you, his member twitching at the noise you make when you flinch and cry out at the sensations while he impatiently tosses his suit onto the couch behind him and rolls his sleeves up.

"Gonna fuck you right here, right up against the glass so everyone can see how well my little maid takes it." shivering at his words, you turn around to look at him, mumbling out a quiet "Yes sir."

"That's what I like to hear." he whispers maneuvering your body to bend you over in front of him before flipping the skirt over your back and putting you on display for him.

Carefully unzipping the back of your dress, he pulls the dress down to expose your breast, pressing them against the cold glass and chuckling as you whimper at the temperature biting at your skin.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" he swipes two fingers over your clit.

"You're sopping wet down here." he taps your clit with three of his fingers, the sound filling the extravagant living room.

"S-sir." you manage to speak through heavy breaths.

"Love it when you call me like that." he mumbles to himself, holding you still and slipping a finger inside easily.

You cried out in pleasure as he takes his fingers all the way out and steadily plunges it back in, fighting back a groan at how the muscels flutter and squeeze around it.

His length begs to be freed in his tight pants while he watched the window fog up as you pant against it.

He slips a second finger in to join his middle finger, crossing them inside you and grinning in satisfaction when your back arches.

Deeming you to be thoroughly prepared and stretched, he eagerly unbuckles his belt and pulls himself out of his tight pants, jerking his length a few times to bring himself to full hardness.

He lines himself up to your entrance and pushes in slowly, moaning at the pressure of your wet walls around his shaft.

"So tight, fuck-"

You shut your eyes, jaw dropping at the delicious stretch that your body never seems to get accustomed to.

You know you're fully exposed by the thought of your neighbours seeing the blissed-out expression on your face from the window as your bare breasts press up against the glass while you're nudged forward with every shallow thrust form him.

"You take it so well, don't you? You just take whatever I give you. Gosh you're such a good little maid." he groans his pace with every thrust, growling inside of you mercilessly while you're a moaning mess against the pristine glass.

Shaky legs threatening to buckle at the pleasure coursing through your veins.

"Should I fill you up?" he breathes in your ear and you could hear the vibration of his deep voice echoing throughout your entire body.

"Should I stuff you and fill you to the brim, huh? My beloved maid would like that, wouldn't she?"

With a drawn-out moan you nods as your legs start to wobble.

He notices, quickly pulling you closer to him and holding you steady before ansling his thrust to rut in you deeper and groaning as you clench your walls around his shaft.

"You like having and audience, don't you?" he whispers tightening his grip around your waist while you bite your lips, lifting your gaze to see out of the window as your heart fluttered with excitement.

He smirks as a comforting warmth washes over his body while his length throbs painfully inside you.

His grip on your hips was bruising, holdig you tightly and whining unintelligibly about how good you felt.

"Gonna-" his voice threatens to break "Gonna cum."

And with a loud grunt, he pulls your hips against him, his length jerking and spilling into you as your walls spasm and convulse around his length.

He milks himself inside you, groaning at the feeling of you squirting all over his length and thighs.

"Fuck, that's hot." growing soft adn sensitive, he pulls out of you with a soft hiss and takes your trembling body in his arms.

He turns you around to face him, preppering your face with soft pecks before latching onto your neck, sucking and licking at the flesh.

"You took it so well, princess." he slid his fingers under your dress to press into yoiu and you grasp his shirt tightly between your fingers, hiding your expression in the crook of his neck.

"Kihyun, please-" he clicks his tongue, shaking his head.

"Don't want you leaking out." squelching noises fill the room as he pushed his fingers deep into you. Satisfied, he pulled his fingers out and shruged you off his neck, presenting his hand in front of your lips with a smirk.

"Isn't this what my maid are supposed to do? Go ahead, babe. Clean me up."


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