Shonwu~One shot

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Standing under the pink blossom tree with both of you dressed in white, you waited for the dound of almighty to appear.

Being an angel wasn't easy for both of you and Shownu.

The life of an angel is hard, harder than anyone can think and nothing related to all those fairytales.

Being an angel meant to surrender your life in the hands of almighty and live until you complete the work given to you.

You and Shownu were lover angel and were given a mission to reunite two couples out here on earth.

After working hard on your mission both of you were successful along with a bond created in between you and him.

Three years, three years both of you stayed together, helping those people's relationships to build up.

There were hard times, sweet times just as one relationship should be and at the end, those couples ended up together.

In between your mission, while staying with each other, getting to know each other, finding similarities within each other, you both couldn't help but fall in love too.

Being love angel you and Shownu knew very well how to work out a relationship and so there wasn't much bitterness in your one and all you could remember was sweet moments.

You remembered how bickering both of you were at the start and how your silliness nearly made the one couple break up.

Yes, as their love angels anything stupid which your would do might affect the others relationship.

For example if you will have a fight with Shownu on a small matter, there's will turn into a bigger truffle bevause you both were connected to them.

Well not to forget the praise which you two received from the almighty after your first mission was successfully completed and so he assigned you two with another one.

You and Shownu were the first love angels to get assigned for two missions because others needed to fade away after the completion of one.

Maybe it was because you both were also the first ones to fall in love with each other.

Your chain of beautiful thoughts werre cut off with a tender voice from up above the blue sky.

"It's time now. As you both know that there's a certain word limit for angels on earth, you both are left with different amounts of words. Y/n, you're left with sixty words and Shownu you are left with hundred words. I will let you two have a last conversation bafore fading away. Your existence was worth it."

As the almighty was done speaking you looked at Shownu who was already staring at you, his lips curved up slightly, eyes glistening.

He quickly fished out his phone and started typing while you waited for him to be done.

He typed something before turning his phone screen to you.

"Are you scared?" you read the line before looking at him and nodding a no while smiling.

"I'm just not ready to lose you..." you typed the answer to his question before showing it to him.

He heaved out a sigh, his stares falling down to the ground before he slightly nodded.

"Nor me...time passed by really fast. We were so into happiness that we didn't even think of this day to arrive." Shownu typed in while forcing a smile although his lips quivered holding back the tears.

As you read those lines, youur heart ached, as a drop of tears escaped from the corner of your eyes.

You both were truly into a dreamy phase and like that reality was getting hard as each moment passed

A hand held your hands within his and you knew who it was.

It was only Shownu whose touch could melt you, while your stomach felt tingly.

Your heart was racing at an unhealthy pace cause Shownu wasn't typing anymore, he was ready to speak.

"I don't need one hundred words to tell you that I love you, but I need more that three words it really takes. As whole as 'I love you' sounds, it just does not say enough. It does not say how I care for you, how I breath through you, how I smell what you smell, how I see the world through your eyes, how I laugh with your smile. I need you to hear all this when I tell you that-"

you knew what Shownu was going to say next and so you prevented him from speaking anymore by placing your small hands on his cherry lips.

You wanted to leave together with him, holding him in your arms, feeling his soft lips for the last time, so you prevented him from speaking the last three words.

"Shownu, you are left with three more words." the almighty said making you look into Shownu's eyes with your teary one, which were red then from holding back the moisture to escape because once it did, then it will be hard for you to speak.

"I used to speak a lot..." you said with a weak chuckle escaping your gape. "And so now I don't have much to say. It's good that we are being able to leave together...I couldn't have survived without you. The moments we have spent together are irreplaceable, our love is never ending and all I have to say to you is that I love you, then now and forever."

You finished your sentence along with the amount of word limit as you quickly hugged Shownu tightly and brought him closer to you, your head resting on his broad chest.

He quickly kissed your eyes and then your lips, as those three words left his gape as softly as ever, him saying his last three words "I love you."

Shownu's forehead rested on yours, both of you at last letting your tears escape, along with muffled sobs for your story was about to end.

It was time to fade away which both of you and Shownu did being within each other's embrace sharing love and warmth till the last before turning into nothing but smoke, a pink, red colored smoke which defined love.

It was time to fade away which both of you and Shownu did being within each other's embrace sharing love and warmth till the last before turning into nothing but smoke, a pink, red colored smoke which defined love

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