Shownu~One Shot

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It was late at night, 11:30, to be exact and you were watching Shownu practice his heart out. Sitting on the floor at the back of the practice room.

You couldn't help but go into a deep trance of admiration and awe.

His passion for dance just made him thousand times more attractive in your eyes.

Kicking his right leg forward with pointed toes and felxed calf muscles, the man pivoted in a revolving whirl of sharp precision and accurate grace.

He moved like water transformed by music, flowing in graceful arcs, limbs in constant motion, painting a picture sound alone can never achieve.

You swore you were drooling.

You were struck suddenly out of your gaze when Shownu paused the music.

The quick silence woke up your mind.

"You are amazing." you silently applauded. Taking a longs, exaggerated bow, Shownu was laughing.

"Thank you. I try" walking over to where you were sitting, he sat down beside you and began patting the back of his neck with a towel.

"You know, you didn't have to stay with me. It's late and everyone else went home." Shownu spoke while opening his water bottle.

"But I wanted to see my favorite dancer do his thing." you wanted to add how you also wanted to excuse to be alone with him, but you kept your mouth shut.

"I wish I could dance." you said instead.

"Do you want me to teach you?" you saw Shownu's eyes light up as he smiled brightly at you. Even though you were scared to embarrass yourself, the happiness in his eyes made you determind.

How could you say no?

"Sure." you laughed. You thought the way Shownu jumped up and ran excitedly to the speaker was so adorable.

After pressing the play button.

Shownu ran back over you and held your hands. You blushed at the sudden skinship.

The music spun around you two lifting away gravity. You couldn't count how many times you had squished his foot under your own.

Still, he smiled brightly as your shoes clicked over the floor.

He watched as your hair spun out perfect.

This was dancing and art coming to life, strong pointed moves didn't matter here.

All that matters was the person in front of you.

"Hey, wanna see something cool?" he said as he stood up from his spot. Propping yourself up on both hands, you stared at him and smiled as he walked over the side of the room.

Taking a remote off the wall, he looked at the remote and then at the ceiling.

The yellow lights in the center suddenly turned off and ones lining all along the outline in the ceiling where it meets the wall lit up instead.

Pressing a button, the lights changed to a dark pink, making everything and everyone inside turn to that color.

"Wow, it's so cool!" you silently gasped.

"I can change the lights to any color, but I like this one." he smiled with his gorgeous teeth.

Walking back over to you, the both of you laid down again.

Closing your eyes as you faced the ceiling, you thought about making a move; however ou chickened out. Curious, you looked to your left where Shownu was laying.

He was laying on his back, however his face was already turned towards you.

He was smiling with his lips. You blushed, but smiled back.

Suddenly, his smile faded and he took his hands out from underneath his head and leaned on his right side.

"C-Can I kiss you?" he abruptly asked. Shocked, you took a few seconds to respond.

"W-What?" you leaned to you left side.

"I asked if I can kiss you." you looked away for a few seconds at your feet, but looked back up at him.

Without words, you nodded your head and that's all he needed.

Leaning closer to you so that he was almost on his stomach, he held himself up with his right arm as he used his left to slowly grasp your cheek.

Closing his eyes and leaning in, you stayed still as you felt his soft, thick lips press against yours.

He kissed you and the world away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be.

His hand rested below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breaths mingled.

You ran your fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between you two and you could feel the beating of his heart against your chest.

You wished you could stay like this with him forever.

You wished you could stay like this with him forever

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