Joohoney~One shot

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Another boring day with another boring class.

You took your maths book and writing stuffs from your locker and headed to your maths class.

You sat on your desk waiting for your teacher.

You suddenly felt something on your head. You turned your head and again you felt paper balls on your face. You looked at Joohoney and glared at him while he just smirked.

Joohoney is your bull. You literally don't even know why he started bullying you.

You both were good friends at the start but suddenly he started bullying you.

You were having a big fat crush on him and even now. Whenever you are bored, you just imagone yourself with him and blush like a fool afterwards.

You thoughts were interrupted when you saw your maths teacher enter the class.

You rolled your eyes and opened your book.

He started taking class. You were so bored as usual. During all classes you go to your dreamland thinking about yourself and Joohoney. His eyes, his lips, his whole face, his thighs when he use to play were in a deep thought.

You started imagine how he would fuck you. How he would choke you with his veiny hands.

You didn't even realize your professor called you thrice. Your thoughts were interrupted when Joohoney yelled your name.


"Yes daddy." you replied but immediately covered your mouth when you realized what you said. You looked around the class where everyone were looking at you with wide eyes.

You also looked at Joohoney who was looking at you with his doe eyes.

You immediately ran outside the classroom.

He also ran behind you ignored his professor.

He came to the hallway and saw you sobbing while hugging your knees in the corner of the stairs. His eyes softened as he saw your state.

Joohoney never bullied you physically.

He always teases you.

He loved you from the start but there was one random snake who threatened him.

He came to you and bend down to your level. "Y/n?" he softly called your name.

You looked at him and said "Please don't come near me leave me alone."

You started moving away from him while he was trying to come closer to you. Then you hit the wall and you were unable to move.

Joohoney took a chance and immediately hugged you and started caressing your hair while you sobbing in his chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that, this is so embarrassing..." you said and sobbed so hard on his chest.

He teared up seeing your state. He knows you wouldn't say such things intentionally.

"Call down, it's okay..." he replied while patting your hair. After a few minutes, Joohoney checked you up and found you fall asleep in his embrace.

"Cute. Such a sleephead." he mumbled smiling.

He took you bridal style and left the school and took you to his home. He called the professor and informed him and he gladly accepted.

He placed you on his bed slowly caressing your hair.

He placed you in his embracw and closed his eyes to sleep.

After a few hours you woke up and looked around to see a unfamiliar room.

You saw the door opening and widened your eyes as you saw him.

"Joohoney?" you slowly said. He just smiled and kept the bowl of soup in the nightstand. "Are you okay?" he asked you holding your right hand. You just nodded and your heart started beating faster.

You then remembered what happened in the class. You looked down and spoke "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to say that..." as a few tears made it's way to you cheeks. Again.

Joohoney lifted your face and smiled. "It's okay don't worry. I know you didn't do it intentionally."

"Why do you bully me? Why did you bring me here? Why do you care for me?" you asked without thinking.

"I guess it's time to say all the know Jen right? She threatened me...she threatened me if I don't bully you and break our friendship, she will suspend you from school. You know she has many ways to do that. I don't want you to get suspened...I'm so sorry I hid this from you." he said while he moved a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Why I care for you? Because I love you. From the start." he finally said as you busted in tears and hugged him tighter.

"I love you too..." you answered crying in his chest while he smiled.

"Tomorrow I'll go and inform about Jen to your principal, alright? But may I know why you called me like that?" he smirked and looked at you as your face blushed.

You looked down and tried to change the topic but he doesn't let you.

"Uh...I was just thinking about me..." you said looking down.

"Like what?" he asked smirking.

"L-like...Uh." you stuttered.

He came closer and whispered in your ear "Like me fucking you?" you looked at him with wide eyes. He chuckled and smirked at you.

You hit him with a pillow and covered your tomato face.

He started laughing hard. "Shut up!" you said covering your face. He took you in his embrace and threw the pillow somewhere.

He stared at your cute face and took your face to kissing your soft lips. You wrap your arms around his neck and kissed him back with a smile on your lips.

After a few minutes, you both pulled out breathing heavily and smiled at each other.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


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