Changkyun~One shot

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Changkyun's grip on your waist was firm as he pulled you along the maze of corridors while your comparatively shorter legs hurriedly move to catch up with his pace.

You had no idea where he was dragging you to, but you shiver in nervous excitement remembering all the sneaky teases like - casually touching his arm, pushing up your chest to brush his arm, tracing patterns on his thigh under the desk or sensually licking an ice cream in front of him.

You're oushed into a vacant room while he shut the door behind you and before slamming your back against the wall, easily caging and toweing over you.

Gulping you looked up at him meekly.

You would've flinched, but instead you rubbed your thighs together and the action didn't go unnoticed as he smirekd mockingly at you, "Can't wait till we're out huh? You really want to get railed here?"

He scoffs as you squirm, tearing your gaze away from his and biting your lips, denying how your panties were soaked wet just from his words.

Changkyun lets out an irritated sigh and looked around the room - it's a small storage room for club equipment, shady and a bit dusty.

He abruptly pulled you by the arm, shoving you to sit on an old desk making you yelp as your back hits the storage cabinet, the impact making a loud noise that ecoed in the dusty dark room.

"Quiet." he growls before going into a crouch, wrenching your thighs apart and leaving them spread lewdly while you squirmed from arousal and excitement.

Waisting no time, he pushes your skirt out the way.

Seeing your damp panties, he sneers at you.

You breath hitched as ypu tried to close your legs, but his firm hold had them locked and he roughly pulls your panties down your legs while pressing his thumb on the wet spot of the material before keeping it in his pocket.

You let out a protest, "Kyun! Don't- I need that- Ah!"

You gasp at the sudden sting when he slaps your thigh.

"Shut up or I'll take your skirt too. Let everyone see how you're always wet." You whine softly, biting your lip to prevent any more noise but clenching at the thought of being seen - being caught for everyone to see how needy you were for him.

Changkyun smirks, seeing your lustful daze. "So wet already. Look at you, already dripping and I haven't done anything yet. Were you thinking about me all day? Bet you want to be stuffed already, don't you?"

He wraps his arms around your hips before leaning down and pulling you closer to his face. You watched as his tongue darted out, lightly licking your inner thigh.

He looked up at your flushed fac, mock amusement clearly visible in his eyes.

You try to turn your head away, but a bite on your thigh stops you.

"Why are you so shy now? You've been acting like a bitch all day and now you're looking away?"

You whimper, keeping your eyes locked on his and stammering out a meek, "P-please."

He scoffs but obliges, starting to give kitten licks to your cvnt.

Tracing your outer folds, then moving to your slit.

Using the tip of his tongue, he probs at your clit while his fingers move to spread you open before inserting his digit in you.

he holds back a groan, looking at how you clenched around his finger.

He slowly thursts a finger in you.

"What an eager bitch, you're so tight."

He pushes another finger in, crooking them as you swallow down your moans, clenching your fists at your sides and trying your best to keep quiet.

His tongue soon joins in, sluroing your slick.

Your legs jerk as you try to buck your hips, but he pinched your thigh as a warning to stay still.

There was a loud slam when you threw your head back.

Biting your fist, you try not to moan out loud.

But you can't help calling out his name when his fingers find your spot and his mouth svcks on your clit and driving your closer to your reach.

But he pulled away, wiping his mouth with his sleeve befire standing up.

Your hand clutches as his hsort desperately tugging at him.

You were so close. "Please." you whine, "Please." anything that can finally push you over that edge.

he scoffs, "I thought I told you to be quiet. Do you think you deserve a release after being a brat?" he grabs your chin, tilting your face to make your look up at him.

Seeing your teary eyes and flushed face fills him with a primal urge to devour you.

"Please, Changkyun. I-" you whimpered, but your cries were cut off when he pressed his lips on yours, shoving his tongue in your mouth and your hands move with his crotch, but he grabs your wrists to stop them.

With a harsh slap to your thigh, he pulls away.

He wanted nothing more that to be buried in your tight heat, to feel you dripping around him.
But he wasn't ready to give in.

Swallow a groan, he gives your thighs a final squeeze before stepping away from you completely, ignoring his aching bulge and his own need.

Ignoring your soft whines he fixed out his clothes and glare down at you.

You gulped, already to beg, but he was quick to order you, "Wait for me in my apartment. Don't you dare to touch yourself, or else." he said throwing keys at you and with that, he walked out, slamming the door behind him while you groaned in frustration.

With shaky legs, you stood up to straighten out your clothes before heading directly to his apartment.

With shaky legs, you stood up to straighten out your clothes before heading directly to his apartment

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