Joohoney~One Shot

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You recently moved in with your boyfriend Joohoney.

You had been dating for the past six months and finally decided it was time to do that. You were taking things slowly, enjoying each and every moment as much as you could.

you had your first kiss after two months of dating, he was the one to say "I love you" after three months, having sleepovers at each other's place every once in a while after four months of dating.

And now this. Moving in together.

He helped you pack all your things and move them into his house.

"I think we're all done!" He smiled. "Wanna watch a movie now?"

"Yeah, why not?" You smiled as well and you both went to sit on the couch.

He turned on the TV and choose one movie he knew you wanted to see so bad.

He wrapped his arms around you as you cuddled onto him, your legs on his lap and your head on his chest.

That was probably the thing you two enjoyed the most. Being so close to each other, feeling cozy and relaxed.

While you were focused on the movie your phone started buzzing. Picking it up, you checked who was calling and saw it was your mom.

And you happily answered her because you two haven't talked in a while.

"Bonjour maman!"

"Salut mon coeur. Comment ça se passe là-bas?" (Hi sweetheart. How are things going there?)

She talked in your native language.

Joohoney couldn't understand French you had no problem with speaking it in front of him.

"Tout est bon. Joohoney et moi avons récemment emménagé ensemble." (everything is good. Joohoney and I recently moved in together.)

"C'est génial! Te traite-t-il bien? Ça te dit combien elle t'aime? Vous savez que ces choses sont très importantes dans une relation." (That's great! Does he treat you right? Does he tell you how much he loves you? Do you know these things are really important in a relationship.)

"Oui maman, Joohoney est le petit ami parfait ça peut être." (Yes mom, Joohoney is being the perfect boyfriend that he can be.)

You playfully rolled your eyes.

You noticed Joohoney blushing and smiling softly while staring at the TV but you just ignored him.

"Ça fait déjà un moment quand vas-tu...tu sais..." (it's already been a while when are you two know...)

"MAMAN!" You half screamed at her realizing what she meant.

"Nous ne le ferons pas. Je veux dire qu'il a l'un des corps les plus chaud et qu'il est extrêmement attirant." (We won't. I mean he has one of the hottest bodies and is extremely attractive.)

Joohoney suddenly laughed but when you looked at him he went back to paying attention to the movie. Little did you know that your boyfriend was secretly learning French just so he could talk and understand your native language.

"Attends une seconde Marie veut te demander quelque chose." (hold on a second Marie wants to ask you something.)

Your mom said and you sighed already knowing what was gonna happen.

Marie was your mom's best friend and also quite dirty minded.

"Mon amour, y/n, quelle est sa taille, j'ai juste besoin de savoir à des fins scientifiques..." (my love, y/n, how big is he? I just need to know for scientific purposes..."

"Assez gros. Je peux le sentir à chaque fois c'est sur ses genoux." (Pretty big. I can feel it every time I sit on his lap.)

At this point, Joohoney was trying so hard not to laugh. So he took your phone from your head and talked.

"Salut c'est Joohoney. Désolé d'interrompre voter conversation mais je veux passer du temps avec ma copine sans entendre sa mère et sa copine parler de ma taille de bite." (Hi this is Joohoney. Sorry to interrupt your conversation but I want to spend time with my girlfriend without hearing her mother and her friend talking about my dick size.)

He said sarcastically and ended up the phone call.

"Wait how did you-" you asked completely shocked by his sudden action.

Your jaw dropped when you heard him speaking in French and felt embarrassed.

"Do you think I wouldn't learn the language that my girlfriend is speaking." he laughed.

He threw the phone on the table and started kissing you.

"What are you doing?" you looked at him confused as he laid you down and went on top of you.

"What your mother wants me to do." he smirked and took off his shirt, his lips crushing in yours again.

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