Vamps of Brooklyn

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Waking up with a pounding headache was something I didn't do often and was something I didn't plan on doing much more.

My head throbbed and my surroundings were dark. I wasn't in the institute infirmary, that shit is brighter than this room.

"Dammit." I cursed as I tried to sit up.

"Rea! Thank god!" I felt arms wrap around me tightly. I pried them off and glared at Simon, who winced. "I said I was sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it." I harshly whispered, shoving him from my face. I got up and pounded on the door. "Open this door!"

"Hello! Anyone? I’m just an accounting student. I have no value to anyone. And I barely saw your faces, so if you let me go, I couldn’t even identify you. Not that I would, ‘cause you guys are vampires! Who would believe me? I didn’t even know you guys existed until yesterday! Is anyone there?" Simon tried pounding the door, making me huff. I walked a few steps away and sat, resting my elbow on my leg and my head in my hand.

How did I end up hostage?

"If your goal was to scare the crap outta me, mission accomplished!" I heard Simon yell, making me sigh.

Looking up, I saw a raven haired man that screamed different century.

"And as far as I’m concerned… you can have it out with those Shadowhunters. Especially, the blonde one." I gaped at Simon, who didn't meet my eye.

"Excuse me?" I breathed out, and the man looked to me, sickeningly.

"Oh. So a daughter of an Angel. Oh...but which one?" I shrugged, shoving the man's shoulder with mine as I walked passed him to sit away from Simon.

"Don't know, don't care right now."

"You don't need me...or-or Rea." Simon stammered, and I sent him a small smile. I can't be mad at him forever. Clary? Yes. But Simon, considering the situation we were in, it wasn't worth it.

"On the contrary, I think i do."


"Uh, look at all this stuff, these screens. I mean, can any of this help me find Simon and Rea? Where are they, anyway? Some kind of crypt in Transylvania?" Clary asked, thinking of her sister for once.

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now