A Mole

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Izzy had grabbed me by the arm and started to drag me towards Jace and Clary, who looked a little pissed after their mission. I'm guessing...something went wrong?

"Jace, you're coming to Alec's bachelor party, right?" Izzy asked him, but the boy turned and almost scowled at her. I frowned at the way Jace was acting.

"No." He blandly replied. "He doesn't want me there, and i'm swamped."

"You guys haven't figured it out?" I asked, and Jace sent me a sharp, accusing look. We were getting somewhere (friend-wise) and now i feel like he's ruined it.

"There's nothing to work out." He said calmly, but i could tell he was annoyed. "If he wants to talk, we'll talk."

"He's your parabatai." Izzy argued, helping my side of the argument out.

"We have more important things going on than a bachelor party." Jace said after watching someone. Bit creepy. "Come with me." So, we all followed Jace into another room. "We have a mole in the Institute." I pretty miuch gawked at Jace. How could someone be a mole in the institute?

"We were attacked by a Shax demon when we went to see Ragnor Fell." Clary further explained and i frowned. Who would do that? I guess it could be Lydia, but she has no reason to. Could be Hodge. I mean....he's one sketchy fellow.

"The attack couldn't have been a coincidence. Valentine must have been tracking us." Jace said and i nodded. Big possibility.

"You don't think someone from the Institute told Valentine where you were going." Izzy said, shaking her head a bit. She was in denial, i think.

"There's no other explanation."

"Iz...as much as i hate to admit it...." I trailed off, wincing. "I agree with Clary."

"No one here would betray us like that." Izzy denied. "This is our family."

"Not everyone's family. I swear, if Lydia is the leak, i'm gonna--"

"Slow down." Clary said sternly, stopping Jace from finishing his - probably - rather detailed version of how he'd kill Lydia. "We don't know if she did anything yet."

"And wrongfully accusing someone of a crime is dangerous. Trust me, i've been through it." Izzy told the pair.

"Lydia was right there when we were talking about Ragnor Fell. If she's not gonna admit what she did, i'm gonna make her admit it." Jace seethed. I felt bad for him. How much anger can a dude have?

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