Bad Day for Take-Out

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Me, Alec and Izzy watched as Maryse showed Lydia around the Institute. I hope Alec still didn't know the plan. One hell of a surprise it'd be if he doesn't. 

"I'm not a fan." Izzy said as she glared a little at Lydia. Neither was I, but Lydia had improved my opinion from preppy bitch to bitch. A big upgrade, if you ask me.

"Jealous?" Alec joked, and Izzy scoffed.

"No." She denied, but i knew that a part of her was. "Maybe." She admitted. "How the hell did she catch that arrow?" I saw out the corner of my eye Alec looking on his phone. With a wary expression, he beckoned for me and Iz to follow him as he walked to Maryse and Lydia.

"I have something you need to see." He announced, pointing at the monitor - which had whatever was Alec's phone. I took a closer look and gulped. "Something attacked the Jade Wolf."

"The werewolves' headquarters? Where did you-"

"Where did you get these?" Lydia interrupted, and i rolled my eyes. Woman doesn't have a lick of patience on her.

"Leader of the New York wolf pack." He answered, and Lydia frowned.

"You're friends with Lucian Graymark? An ex-Circle member?"

"How about we sent Isabelle, Verena and Alec to investigate? I'm sure this is linked to-"

"Valentine." Lydia cut Maryse off...again. "I need to see it for myself." She began walking away, but stopped and turned to me, Alec and Izzy. "Are you coming or what?"

Only me and Alec followed the envoy.


Outside the Jade Wolf, we were about to go inside, but Lydia spoke up before.

"I can see why all the girls in Idris are clamoring to meet you." She said to Alec, and i frowned at her. Jealousy was not my thing.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked, not liking what she was saying - i hope.

"Rumor has it, you're looking to settle down...get married." She sent me a subtle wink, and i got it now.

"Damn it." Alec spat, sending me an apologetic look.

"Let me guess. Not your idea?"

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now