Meeting the Family

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Everything was foggy.

It was dark and I couldn't move.

My eyes were closed and no matter how much I tried, they wouldn't open.

The burning pain was gone, I couldn't feel blood seeping from my wounds, so I guess I had heeled.

"Hmm. Neither do I." I heard, and the voice was so familiar. Where had I heard it? "Come on, baby, you have to come back."

Alec. He was there. I felt a warmth in my hand and with all I had, I squeezed his hand.

"You're there?" I heard him and I tried to open my eyes. "Please. Please, come back." He sounded so broken. So hopeless. "This is all her fault, Izzy. It's Clary's fault." I heard Alec sneer, and I couldn't hear her response. "Leave."

I wiggled my fingers as best I could, and I felt Alec squeeze my hand.

"Open your eyes, baby." He softly demanded, and I tried. I felt them flicker but nothing more. "That's it. You're so close." He encouraged and I tried again, this time, the bright light of the institute infirmary greeted me.

"Holy shit." I groaned, closing my eyes tightly at the bright light. "Seriously, I need sunglasses."

I heard a relieved laugh before I was wrapped into someone's arms tightly. A hand was placed on my head, keeping me hugged to their chest.

I knew who it was. Alec Lightwood.

I hugged back, wrapping my legs and arms around him and I buried my head in his neck.

"I am so sorry." I croaked out, but he shushed me.

"It's not your fault, baby. I swear." I giggled and hugged him tighter, if that's possible.

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now