Be The Distraction

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"Don't worry." Izzy said to Alec. "It's good practice."

"Huh?" He made a noise of confusion, and i snickered.

"For asking me to be your wife." I jokingly said, and he turned red like a beetroot. I chuckled and walked up to Alec, unbuttoning a few of his buttons on the shirt he's wearing.

"What are you...what are you doing?" He asked, watching as i worked some wonderful magic.

"Making you look sexy as fuck. What's it look like?" I asked and he stuttered out a response before turning to his sister.

"Izzy, this is not really my department." He said to his sister, hoping she could help him. I ruffled his hair, and took a step back, squinting my eyes slightly to get a better look. Smiling in accomplishment, i winked at Izzy.

"Come on, baby. You do this stuff all the time."

"Izzy does, i don't!" He argued, pouting at me.

"I'm sure it's easy. And it's never too late to learn." I patted his shoulder as he walked reluctantly towards the dress.

"Hey." Alec nervously said to the receptionist, who looked peeved. I shared a look with Izzy, who smirked.

"Can i help you?" The reception lady asked in a bored tone.

"Yeah. come here often?" I started chuckling before it turned into more of a wheeze.

"You come here often?" I mocked, trying to catch my breath.

"I work here. What can i help you with?" The lady asked.

"Right, um....right, right, right, yeah, um...yeah, i'm just...i'm looking for some information." Alec must've spotted something on the lady's desk after his stutter attack as he stood a little straighter. "Oh, look." He tipped over the water bottle, and me and Izzy began walking side by side. "Oh, wow. I'm so sorry. Let me just get that. That's not...i'm so sorry." Alec swiped a card and threw it to us, Izzy catching it with ease. "That's such a mess. Let me clean that up. Uh, it's not working. Okay." I drowned out the rest of the conversation, still slightly laughing.

Alec was a wreck. But it was funny.

Izzy slid the card through the scanner and a room full of machinery stuff was there. She drew a rune on one of them before we started to walk away.

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now