Always Trust Your Hunch

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"Finally." Alec sighed, liking the fact we were away from prying eyes. He looked at me and smiled brightly, a warm dusting of pink found its way onto his face.

"Hmm...for what?" I asked, playing dumb as my husband wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer to him. I could feel his breath fanning my face, and it was comforting.

"You're a Lightwood now." I groaned but chuckled.

"Please say i won't have to dress like Maryse." I joked, and Alec chuckled ducking his head slighlty as he did.

"Hopefully not."

"Hopeful much?" I scoffed, and Alec looked at me weirdly. "Right...i know that didn't make sense but to be fair i did just marry the-" I found out i was cut off by Alec's lips connecting with mine. Melting into the kiss, i smiled and leaned against him slightly.

"Well done, Alec. You did the right thing. For us. This family. And you." Maryse congratulated as she and Robert walked closer. She then looked to me and smiled a bit brighter, gripping my shoulders before running her hands down my arms to hold my hands. "We welcome you to this family with open arms, Verena."

"Yes, well done, you two. The love you two hold remind me much of the love we had at your age." Robert said, giving Alec a short hug. I chuckled and grinned. This was what parents should act like. Not like Jocelyn did or even Dad.

"I'm looking forward to the days and years to come." I said politely. Maryse gushed at us once more before her and Robert walked away. "I should probably change. I bet something will happen with this whole Camille business. And i want in with it." I told Alec, who smiled and nodded, interlocking our hands together as he lead me away to our room.

"I'll wait here." He said, raising a brow as he placed himself on the bed.

"Wanting a show are you?" I scoffed, placing a hand on my hip. He smirked at me and i saw where he was going with this. "Alexander!" We ended up laughing together after a moment of seriousness. I just breathed out a laugh as i got ready to change. "Be a doll and un-button me?"

"Sure." Alec said as he raised a brow - again - and smirked. He came over to me and began un-buttoning my dress, leaning his head into the crook of my neck and placing a soft kiss to it. I smiled and couldn't help but lean into him.

"Thanks, love." I whispered, holding the dress up with my hand as i walked to the wardrobe, picking out a blue denim skirt, a grey shirt and black boots. I smiled at him and let my grip on the dress go, the lovely peach pink dress fell to the floor in a heap and i carefully stepped out of the circle that was made around me. I headed to the bathroom and, as i did, i could feel Alec's gaze on me.

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now