Men Love Her

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That was my last straw.

I no longer cared or gave two shits about Clary.

I was done with her bullshit.

After all...

You can only hurt a person until they break...

Then they become dangerous.

And Clary has pushed me passed my breaking point with her.

Alec was in step next to me, and I saw him sending me side glances, but I ignored them.

I was acting like a right bitch, and I didn't want to say the wrong thing or act the wrong to scare him off.

He reminded me of a little puppy.

I smiled a little at the thought before dropping it from my face.

We soon arrived at the old shortcut Clary, Simon and I would take.

"Hey, you." Clary said, smiling, as she and Simon embraced. I just stood a little way away, my fingers interlaced with Alec's. "Thanks for being here."

"You don't need to do this alone. It's not who we are." I rolled my eyes at Simon, leaning against Alec's arm.

He took his hand from mine and wrapped it around my waist. I looked up and smiled softly.

I want to spend the rest of my life with this man.

I chuckled at my thought, smiling still.

"Are you sure you're feeling up to this?" Clary asked Simon.

"Yeah, it's just a cold. Not the end of the world." Simon shrugged nonchalantly, and Alec scoffed.

"The world's been ending for a thousand years. Ah, you get used to it. Now, we need to move." The pair looked to us and Simon frowned, looking at me then Alec and then Alec's arm that was snaked around my waist.

"Yeah, my mom's loft is just across the alley." Clary pointed in the direction of the loft.

"All right, well, we have to be careful. There are eyes all over this place and everybody in the Shadow World's looking for you and Rena." Alec said, and it would amaze me on how he could worry so much about one person.

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now