Forsaken Attack

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Hodge had requested i train with him. He wanted to see how good i was at fighting.

So, that led to me to where I am now. Clad in a sports bra, trainers and leggins as I stood opposite Hodge.

Waiting for the man to strike. I should probably pretend i'm sad. I mean...Alec did propose to another girl.

I should be sad, shouldn't i? Had i been broke that much that this didn't make me sad, or was i proud Alec was doing - yet again - something for the Clave, for his parents and for his name?

Trust in the plan, Rea. You have to trust in the matter how much it might hurt.

I shook my head and readied myself. Hodge will strike soon.

And he did. He punched my stomach, which was unexpected, and i groaned. I stood straighter and stepped into my assault, punching him in the stomach and then quickly hitting him in the jaw.

He chuckled and straightened himself up.

"You're quick, i'll give you that." He said and i raised a brow. I glanced at his neck and saw the Circle rune. He was apart of that monster's little gang once.

"You're gullible, i'll give you that." I spat, and our sparr continued.

"Oh yeah?" Hodge questioned as he grabbed one of my arms and pinned me to his chest. I grunted as i tried to escape, but i couldn't move. "How so, Verena?"

"You once followed Valentine." I sneered, kicking his shin, which released his hold on my arm. I was quick to hit him in the face. "You believed that monster could change the Shadow World...for what?"

"For a better future." Hodge answered, striking at me again, but i reflected it. I dodged his blows whilst he couldn't dodge mine.

"An army led by him will never mean a better future." I told him, and we went to carry on but something broke through the wall.

I pushed Hodge out the way, getting my wings out, ready to fight against this thing. It saw me and tilted it's head before rushing to me. It raised a dagger it held and went to strike me, but i dodged and kicked it.

I realised, it was a Forsaken.

It seemed to have snarled at me as it came rushing back. Me and it ended up in a hand-to-hand combat fight, me gaining the upper hand and then the thing gaining it after.

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now