Sedation Couldn't Keep Her At Bay

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I stared at Jace and Izzy.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked as i saw them if they were going on a mission.

"We came to ask for help." Izzy said softly, and i frowned. Okay?

"For?" I asked and her and Jace looked at each other briefly.

"We need to go behind Alec's back. To get Meliorn from going to the Silent Brother's." I shook my head.

"That's a terrible idea." I pointed out and Jace shrugged.

"All our ideas are terrible yet they always work." I shook my head again and took a step back.

"I won't be a part of that." I told them and Izzy sighed.

"Then...i'm sorry." I didn't even get chance to ask why she was apologizing before i felt something sharp hit my throat. I gasped and raised a hand, feeling the syringe sticking in my neck. I felt the world spin and become dark.


Jace rushed forwards and grabbed his parabatai's girlfriend, settling her gently onto her bed. He glanced at Izzy and then to Verena.

"Was that a bright idea?" He asked, uncertain on whether the sedative will keep the pure Nephilim at bay for long.

"Probably not." Izzy replied before the two walked swiftly from the room.


Outside the City of Bones, the Vampires and Werewolves of Brooklyn followed the three Shadowhunters and newly transformed Vampire, Simon.

"This does not look like the City of Bones." Clary spoke out, speaking of the entrance that looked so much different to how she had once seen it on her quest to find her mother.

"This is the Downworlders entrance." Jace swiftly replied, answering her queries.

"The City of Bones has a service entrance. Perfect." Clary sarcastically said.

"I hope i have better luck here than i did last time." Simon piped up, and everyone gave him a look. He raised his shoulders. "I'm just saying."

"Everyone knows what to do?" Clary asked, making sure everyone knew their part forthe totally fool proof plan they created. The Vampires nodded, as did the Wolves.

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