Till Death Do We Part

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Vid above is what i listened to on repeat whilst writing this xx :)

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Vid above is what i listened to on repeat whilst writing this xx :)

I think i might be using the same vows as Alec and Magnus had...but for my sake, pretend it's normal vows. I didn't know what else to do because i find it so fitting :/



Standing there, by the end alter...it was nerve-wracking. To marry the girl that had saved you from yourself was such a rewarding thing, but at the same time it felt like a dream. Like i was on cloud nine. I could rule the world, as long as she was by my side. That's what it felt like.

"When you first proposed to Lydia, i was disappointed. But then you proposed to Verena." Mother started, and i chuckled. "You certainly know how to pick a girl, don't you?" She laughed a little before my Dad came over, joining us. He shook my hand, and then they sat in their respective seats. All the guests were arriving, filling out the area.

"All right." Jace said, standing next to me. "You're ready for this?" He asked, and i smiled.

"As ready as i'll ever be."

"Good." He patted my shoulder.

"I'm glad you're here with me." I told him sincerely. It was nice to have my brother back, to be honest. I know he's said stuff about Verena that wasn't nice, but his head was so far up Clary's ass, he didn't really know better.

"Wouldn't be anywhere else." He said, assuring me. I watched Simon enter the room and go to Clary, who embraced him. They talked a little before sitting down.

"Attention." Silent Brother Jeremiah said as he thudded the ground by me with his scepter. "There ceremony is about to commence." Just as the Silent Brother Jeremiah said this, Izzy began walking down the isle. She had a gleaming look on her face, and i knew why. Once i looked past Izzy....she stood there.

My Verena.

Her dress was spectacular. It was beautiful, and it was indescribable. It fitted her beautifully. She had long sleeves with instricate white lacing on. They barely sat on her shoulders. It wasn't as big and puffy as i expected it to be, but it fit Verena's stature perfectly. It was a light, peachy pink.

Her makeup was fitting to the dress. With a smokey eyeshadow that made her eyes stick out a little bit more. Her hair was curled and slightly styled, with some of it in a bun. She came towards me with a bright smile on her face, and i smiled at her.

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now