Chapter 13 - The Trap Door

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 "What are you laughing at?? You know you will be in danger too" 


3rd person's POV

Harry stood up and helped Y/n to get up. The man who help stepped forward. He looked like he was Half Human- Half Horse.

"Harry Potter, you must leave. you are known to many creatures here..." He said and Y/n came and stood beside Harry. the centaur stared at her for few seconds and then bowed his head

"Pleasure to meet you Ms. Kim..." He greeted her and she bowed back

"Thank you saving us" Y/n smiled

"You two must leave...The Forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you two" He said

"What was that thing you saved us from?" Harry asked

"A monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn" He said looking at it

"Drinking unicorn blood will keep you alive even if you are an inch of death. But at a terrible price. For you have a slain something so pure...that from the moment the blood touches your will have a half- life. A cursed life" He told them

"What would choose such a life?" Harry asked

"Can you think of no one?" Centaur asked him

"Think about it, Harry.....It is obvious" Y/n told him

"Do you two mean to say that thing that killed the unicorn, that was drinking its blood .. " Harry begun

"That was Voldemort?" Harry asked and Y/n nodded her head. The centaur came close to them

"Do you know what's hidden in the school at this very moment Mr. Potter and Ms. Kim?" He asked them

"The Philosopher's Stone" Harry and Y/n replied in Unison and they heard the others approaching.

"Y/n, Harry!!!" Hermione called them.

"Hello there, Firenze. See you've met out young Potter and youngest Kim" Hagrid said

"All right there you two?" He asked them and they nodded

"Harry Potter.. Y/n Kim.. This is where I leave you... You're safe now..Good Luck" Firenze said and started walking away from them.

"WAIT!!!!" Y/n said and the Centaur stopped. Y/n started walking towards him while searching something from her pocket. when she reached she said

"HA!!!! got it... can you.. bent a little?" She asked him and he confusedly listened to her and did as she told.

She pulled out a bandage and placed it on the arms of the centaur.

"You are hurt.... It will help to heal it" Y/n smiled at him. He looked like it touched its heart

"You are a greater person I thought you were" He said to her and she grinned

"It was my job to do... Thank you again for helping us" Y/n replied politely

The Centaur patted her head and ran away. she turned back and started walking

"That was really nice of you to do that" Ron said when she reached them

"Yeah... I didn't even notice he was hurt" Harry said

" He will always remember it...He's gonna help you every time when something goes wrong when you're into this forest." Hagrid said and started walking "Let's go back"

"What was that thing you...placed it on him?" Draco asked her while walking

"that?? it was a Bandage" Y/n told him

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