Chapter 39 - Unexpected Visits

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"You just proved to me that you are WAY more stronger than I thought you were.. and there are no words which could describe on how proud I'm of you"


3rd Person's POV

Y/n didn't wake up for whole day. But She got conscious on Sunday Afternoon. Madam Pomfrey said that Y/n has to bed rest for the whole week which she partly was thankful for. When Hermione found out Y/n's conscious again, she left her homework and ran towards Y/n.

Hermione hugged Y/n so tight that Y/n was out of breathe. "H-Hermione... I-I can't b-breath" Y/n said not fighting back the hug. Hermione let her go immediately. Y/n noticed that Hermione was on verge of tears "W-wait, you're c-crying?" Y/n asked worriedly, she patted Hermione's shoulder.

"Of course I am!!! you don't know how worried I was!!! Why did you do it??!! You could've have stayed on the pitch!!" Hermione yelled at Y/n while crying.

"Ms. Granger, please don't speak loudly. Ms. Kim woke up a while ago but still it isn't very healthy for her to hear loud things and all" Madam Pomfrey said as she gave warm Lemon tea to Y/n.

"I'm sorry" Hermione sobbed as Madam Pomfrey left them. Y/n took a sip of the tea and instantly knew that it calmed her body. 

"You did a great job in the match. Wood said that you scored alot for the team to stay in the league.. We still lost that match with Hufflepuff though." Ron told Y/n

"I'm glad I could help" Y/n smiled. Even though the girl was smiling, she looked very tired. She was almost pale. 

"Thank you for coming to me back there... Its my fault that I didn't pay much attention and because of that this happened to you.. I'm really sorry" Harry apologized 

"Don't be.. there was no way I could leave you like that.. I came to warn you about them but I was late" Y/n said with slight guilt. She saw that Harry was too wearing his PJs which meant he too got attacked by the dementor. 

"There's one more thing I want to apologized for" Harry said to Y/n as she sipped her tea. She looked at him telling him to go on "When I woke up yesterday after that.. you weren't there with the people who were by my bed.. well, I didn't knew that you got attacked as well, so.. I was angry.. I thought that you didn't care about me but.. When I found out, I honestly felt pathetic" Harry said

"Well.. its alright, don't worry. I think it might be the side effects because of what dementors did. Because, when I woke up, there was no one around me at all. Even Madam Pomfrey was not here. I felt like nobody cared about me.. but.. here you are" Y/n said smiling at her best friends.

Four of them, talked about Dumbledore being angry and shooing the dementors out. But then, they heard someone running outside. The door burst open revealing Jake who was panting loudly. His hair looked like a mess. His eyes were puffy. He looked a little relieved when his eyes fell on Y/n. He made his way towards her.

"I knew I shouldn't have gone to take a nap" Jake said as he panted. He threw his arms on Y/n, hugging her so tightly that she literally had to breathe through her mouth. He cupped Y/n's face "didn't I tell you to inform me if you're up to something?" He asked worriedly

"yes but, I didn't plan it.. it just happened" Y/n said. Its true that it wasn't her intention to do any of this. She was so immersed in the game that she forgot to warn Harry before. "But, why do you look so.... tired?? Did you get a sleep?" Y/n asked

"Sleep? How could I when my sister is basically on the bed unconscious? I didn't leave your side hoping you would wake any second. But you didn't. In the morning, Fred and George forced me to sleep, so I decided to take a nap" Jake told her "But you decide to wake up when I'm not around" Jake said and they heard someone coming in. 

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