Chapter 44 - A Little Before The Quidditch Finals.

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"Its not just about me or about us. Its about The Whole Gryffindor House...... Everyone.Single.Gryffindor. So remember, Whatever we do today is going down History. And I KNOW... We can do this"


3rd Person's POV

Harry didn't talk to Y/n for the following few days. He knew that Y/n was partly right but he felt angry since Y/n wasn't understanding his Situation. He spent hours thinking about her. At some point, he thought of apologizing to her but then he remembered that his point is not something that can be ignored.

It was him who was in danger not her. She had her brother and very rich Uncle, who basically is one the of the most powerful wizard he had seen yet. Plus Y/n had the well-known title of 'The First Female Kim' and 'The Beauty of Hogwarts'. So, definitely anyone would think twice  before even having a thought of harming her.

He didn't have anyone like that. He sure had money but it wasn't going to help him in any way. He had two smart and powerful witches as his best friend but he unfortunately isn't on the good terms with them. He knew that Ron and himself aren't very bright but what could he do now?

On the other hand, Y/n was not even thinking about this. She was happy that she had completely accepted being the heiress of Kim. She had introduced Hermione and Julyn to each other and three of them were pretty much spending time together. Julyn told Hermione about her being a lesbian and Hermione said that she had always doubted about it and in the end, she was right. It didn't matter much to her. Just like Y/n, Hermione loved Julyn's company.

On the day of next Hogsmeade Visit. All three girls agreed to have a girls' day out there. Hermione wanted to tell Harry not to come since it actually might be dangerous. But Y/n refused.

"Don't even bother, Hermione. Even if you warn him, he's still going to visit. So, don't waste your time on that" Y/n said as they were walking down the stairs to get to the Great Hall.

"But it is--" Hermione got cut off

"Dangerous, I know... but do you really think he would listen after everything we've been through for few months?" Y/n asked signing

"No.. He won't." Hermione replied in a small voice. "But... Its really shocking to see you and Harry argue, I mean... you two are always so--" Hermione said but got cut off

"Nice, Pink and bloomy?" Julyn said from behind making the girls stopped. They waited for the older girl to walk next to them

"I was going to say 'on excellent terms' but that yours works even better" Hermione chuckled as they continued to walk outside.

"That's fine, it happens between friends. And I understand him and I know he's right to doubt too. That's why I'm giving him to understand it himself.." Y/n said

"Yeah, I agree. Both Potter and Weasley need time. Yours boys will be back with you in no time." Julyn said making the younger girl chuckle but then Y/n realized something.

"Wait, what did you mean by me and Harry being Pink and Bloomy?" Y/n asked

"Are you kidding?? You don't know?" Julyn asked being surprised

"She doesn't.. I never told her and others don't too because its not their business" Hermione replied for Y/n.

"Tell me what?" Y/n asked standing in front of Hermione and Julyn.

"Look... You and Potter are.... you know... always happy when you're with each other" Julyn tried to explain

"But, I'm happy most of the time" Y/n replied not understanding a bit

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