Chapter 43 - The Quidditch Match and Acceptance.

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"And You know, After everything you've done. I HOPE that Crookshanks ate your Rat!!"


3rd Person's POV

Everyone thought that it was the end of Ron and Hermione's friendship.  Hermione was so sure that Crookshanks never ate Scabbers and that the hair could've been there since Christmas since Ron barely cleaned his room.

The both of them were so angry with each other than they didn't even look at each other. After seeing everything, Harry too was sure that Crookshanks might have ate Scabbers. And being an idiot he is, He told Hermione that.

Hermione got even angrier that Harry agreed with Ron and stopped talking with him as well. Hermione started to ignore both the boys and only stayed with Y/n. Ron was little annoyed at the fact that Y/n believed that there was no chance of Crookshanks eating Scabbers.She told him that the rat was old and might've ran off somewhere. 

Like Hermione, Ron got mad at Y/n because he thought that she took Hermione's side. He talked to her but not the way he used to. Harry wanted to hang out with Y/n but he couldn't do it because Hermione kept Y/n all to herself and Y/n was not bothered with it.

The only time Harry could talk to her without interruptions was on Quidditch Practices. The Anti-dementor classes were stopped because of the Quidditch match they had. Despite everything, Harry loved riding on Firebolt. The broom was the best as everyone said.

The Practices went smooth. The day before the match, Ron visited and saw Harry play. Harry was happy but still was sad because he can't talk to Y/n now. The team practiced for 5 straight hours and when they finished, Y/n quickly walked away with Jake without glancing at Harry and Ron. 

"Something tells me that she's mad at us" Harry said to Ron, as he saw Y/n laughing with Jake.

"She is" Fred said from behind "The two of you have been very rude to Hermione and face it. The girls could be right."

"Both of them could be right.... they're smart" George said

"The cat's hair could be there for a long time and Hermione's not the only one in Gryffindor who has a cat" Fred said tying his shoelaces

"And Y/n could be right too.. The old rat of yours might have ran somewhere... rats do that sometimes" George continued

"And Its not news for you that Y/n cares most for Hermione than she does for you" Fred told them and walked away.

Harry always thought that Y/n cared for him the most. But now, he was having doubts about it. He didn't like that Y/n wasn't with him. Even if he saw her daily he missed her. He decided to apologize to Y/n for whatever she's mad at him for.

That evening, Y/n was walking back to the Common Room from the Library. She went to fetch a book that Hermione wanted. On the way back, someone stopped her. It was the same girl that complimented Y/n when she first went to Hogsmeade.

"Hello" The girl smiled "Why are you alone.. that's something I don't see often"

"What do you mean by that?" Y/n chuckled lightly as she stopped in her tracks

"Aren't you always with Potter or the smart girl with slight bushy hair?" The girl said

"Well.. I did  went to Library to get Hermione's book" Y/n replied

"Oh! that's Hermione Granger??" The girl said

"You know about her?" Y/n asked

"A little.. hey, would you mind if I walked back with you?" The girl asked

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