Chapter 46 - The Exam.

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"There's something in you that makes me feel both happy and sad when I'm around you... Unlike that boy you're friends with, your future is brighter... I don't what exactly you are but all I can say is that you are the turning point of this world, dear"


3rd person's POV

The exam begun next week. Everyone was silently eating their breakfast on the first day of the exam. Each one of the student was holding a book in their hands, even Ron and Harry. The third years went to the Transfiguration classroom. 

At Lunch break, They came out looking rather ashen-faced. All of them talking about the horribly hard exam they just gave. They also had to transfigure a Teapot into a Tortoise. Even Hermione was annoyed. "Mine looked like a turtle!!!!" Hermione huffed as they walked towards the Great Hall for lunch. 

"At least it was something familiar.... Mine had a spout for a tail" Ron grunted walking beside Hermione. "Your Exam definitely went good... Your Tortoise was star shelled" Harry said to Y/n who was walking next to him with a satisfied smile. "I can say that" Y/n grinned at him. "hey wait!!" Ron suddenly stopped walking.

"You two.... you had Muggle studies exam too... You just missed it!!" Ron said pointing his index finger at the girls. "Don't speak rubbish, Ron... We didn't miss it... we gave the exam.. It was quite easy" Y/n chuckled and Hermione smiled. "That's impossible!!! you two were at Transfiguration class room... In front of us!!" Ron said. 

"Don't you think you should be worrying about your exams rather than ours?" Hermione asked and Both the girls begun walking leaving the boys dumbfounded behind them. Y/n turned back to them ad said "You two go ahead to Great Hall... we'll join in a while". "Where are you going?" Harry asked her. "The girls bathroom" Hermione told him both of walked away. Y/n and Hermione looked at each other as they walked. They couldn't control their smile. 

They reached the Bathroom which was haunted by Moaning Myrtle. The female was rather happy to see Y/n. "Y/n!!! You came!!" Myrtle said happily. "What are you going to do?" Myrtle asked both girls. "Nothing really bad.. so don't worry Myrtle.." Y/n smiled and both girls pulled out their Time-Turner. "So, 8:50???" Y/n asked and Hermione nodded at her. Both girls used their Time-turner to go back into time. They could see Myrtle roaming around the bathroom in a very fast motion. No one really came in this bathroom.

"10 minutes to the exam... let's go" Hermione said quickly putting her time-turner back. The girls sneaked in the Muggle Studies class room without catching anyone's eyes. As usual they were the first ones to come. Others started to come in the classroom soon after. There weren't many students as usual. None of them were confused to see these girls because they themselves were using the same thing as them. When the exam begun.  Y/n read her question paper and was in proper bliss after reading the question.

'1. What role do you think 'Electricity' plays in a normal Muggle family?

2. Name the electronics used in the daily life of a Muggle.

3. Why do Muggles need vehicles?'

There were two more pages with these type of questions. 'You've got to be kidding me... I answered these type of questions in first grade!!' Y/n thought while grinning at the paper. she caught Hermione's eyes who too was grinning. They did a wise choice choosing Muggle Studies. After the exam, Both girls literally ran in the hallway. They hurried in the bathroom and saw the past themselves to leave. Myrtle looked at the girls confusedly but didn't ask or at anything because she might have seen these action several times.

Hermione and Y/n arrived at The Great Hall and sat in front of Ron and Harry. They were peacefully eating their Lunch while other third years were practically crying because they never really success performing spell in charms class. "How are you two so relaxed??shouldn't you be worried like everyone else?" Harry asked the girls. 

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