Chapter 40 - Hogsmeade Village.

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"You see, kids... whenever something is in front us..we always believe that 'it is what we see'.... but sometimes.. its not it at all.. there are more things that happens in this world that we're not aware of.." 


3rd Person's POV

Y/n continued her classes by the Monday. Many were happy that she was alright and healthy now. Since there were no homework for her for the whole week, most of what Y/n did was to eat or do nothing while her friends completed their own homework.

By the end of November, Ravenclaw had defeated Hufflepuff in Quidditch match. Which made Wood glad, he was back at his usual side now. He made his team mates practice in every two days. But He didn't let Y/n to train for more than 4 hours. Harry didn't like that since, the practice was getting harder to play in cold environment. 

"Why do I have to practice this long??? I got attacked by a dementor as well!!!" Harry yelled to Wood since his captain was little far, while dodging the Bludger.

"Because her conditions were worse than you!!!!" Wood yelled back as catch he caught the Quaffle Angelina threw. "Madam Pomfrey told me to make sure she's doesn't get exhausted!!!"

Harry looked at Y/n who was down at the pitch wearing a think layer of warm clothes. She was drinking a packed hot chocolate she got from Madam Pomfrey, she was told to drink once a day for whole month now. She waved at Harry with a coy smile. Harry returned back but he sure was jealous that he couldn't rest as well.

Two weeks before the end of term. The rain seemed to stop and the muddy ground that once ruled the Hogwarts grounds was now covered in frost. Christmas was near, most of the students were already discussing what they were going to do in their holidays. Y/n wasn't allowed to leave Hogwarts due to her health condition, Hermione and Ron decided to stay at Hogwarts too. Hermione said that she wanted to stay so she could look after Y/n and Ron said he didn't want to spend his holidays with Percy. Harry knew that Ron said this for him to keep him company. But he didn't say anything. He was grateful.

Third years were in the classroom of Transfiguration. They were done and packing their bags so they could go and eat lunch. All of them were about to leave when McGonagall stopped them.

"May I have your attention before you disappear from the classroom like the air??" McGonagall said and everyone in the class sat back on their seats.

"Before your Christmas Holidays begins.. We are going to visit The Hogsmeade Village on this Saturday..." McGonagall announced

The room filled with excited Whispers. Harry's head dunk low since he was the only one who was going to stay. He knew he was selfish to think this but he thought that if Y/n could stay back with him once more.

"Each and Everyone of you who will visit the village are asked to behave themselves, We got few complaints of your actions on our previous visit, So make sure you act by using your brain.." McGonagall told them. Neville looked a little embarrassed since he mistakenly broke a property of one shop. 

"And Ms. Kim" McGonagall called out catching not just Y/n's but everyone's attention "I have talked with Poppy, she said that a visit to the village will be helpful for you to recover mentally.. So, this time... there's no getting out of it... You must come with the rest of the students... You are not allowed to stay back." 

Y/n glanced at Harry, who looked very sad that he is going to left out alone. But when he looked at her, he gave her a smile which she knew he was faking. Y/n heard a snicker few seats behind her. She looked back to find Draco Malfoy looking very pleased that Harry was going to stay alone.

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