Chapter 42 - The Patronus

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"Come on now!!! Stop sulking!! I have something to show you. Its really good and I KNOW that you'll love it!!"


3rd Person's POV

Harry knew very well that Y/n and Hermione were right, but it didn't stop him for being upset with them. Ron was upset with Y/n too, he didn't like Y/n calling Firebolt a wooden broom. But both boys forgave her when they saw the presents she gave them. She couldn't think of anything else, So she just completed Their WHOLE holiday homework, they didn't even start.

It was more than enough for them to forget about everything that happened. Hermione was still hanging out with them but didn't talk to Ron much. Y/n and Harry had very awkward moments whenever Hermione and Ron ignored each others presence.

The Gryffindor Common room begun to fill once again by the new year. Wood was very happy that Y/n and Harry had got Firebolts but his faced changed the second they told him McGonagall's having it tested in every possible way.

"Don't worry, Wood.. I still have my Nimbus 2000...." Y/n comforted Wood

"But It wasn't as good as Nimbus 2001 and now you have Firebolt yet you can't use it!!" Wood exaggerated 

The new term started the next day. It wasn't fun but everyone went along. The Tag of most boring class was now given to Divination instead of History of Magic. Everyone except Lavender and Parvati regretted choosing the class.

Professor Trelawney had now started to lesson of Hand reading. And without failure, She made sure to tell Harry that his life span line was the shortest she ever had seen. Other classes were going good. 

Harry was now waiting for Y/n alongside Lupin. They were going to start learning the anti-dementor spell. But Y/n had to go to Hospital Wing for a last checkup after dementor attack.  After few minutes, there was a knock of the door and Y/n entered.

"oh... its didn't take much longer than I expected" Lupin smiled at Y/n

"yes.. but still, I'm sorry to keep you waiting" Y/n replied guiltily while bowing a little as a habit

"Now, I must ask.. Are you two sure about this?? You know, This is very advanced magic well beyond the Ordinary Wizarding Level." Lupin asked

"We're sure" Harry and Y/n replied together

"well... everything's prepared" Lupin said nodding "Now the spell I'm going to try to teach you is called The Patronus Charm.. Did you ever hear of it?" Lupin asked. Y/n nodded while Harry shook his head

"You know, Y/n.. that's good I expected that.. but since its not a lesson we normally have . I'll explain to Harry here" Lupin told Y/n who shrugged

"A Patronus is a positive force, For a wizard who conjures one, its works like a shield, with dementor feeding on it rather than him or her" Lupin said the last part looking at Y/n as he stood in front of the two kids

"But.. in order for it to work, You need to think of a memory.. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory. Can you two do this?" Lupin asked, Harry and Y/n nodded their head "Yes? very well.... close your eyes" 

Y/n and Harry closed their eyes thinking of their past. "Concentrate....Explore your past... Do you have a memory?" 

"I already did before I came here.... So Can I open my eyes because I'm basically doing it for formality, Professor" Y/n said while keeping her eyes close

Lupin chuckled lightly "I'm happy you came prepared but keep doing the formalities to make it stronger... Allow it to fill you up.......Lose yourselves within it.. Then speak the incantation, Expecto Patronum

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