Chapter 24 - The Dueling Club

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"It would be waste if we couldn't show-off our talent once."


3rd Person's POV

The Next day, Harry and Y/n were free to go after lunch. Madam Pomfrey had given them the permission for a day-off. They went to their dormitories and changed into their robes. Then they went to the place they planned to meet. They walked passed the wall with the message written. The tried their best not to look at it again. 

They stood in front of girls's bathroom with 'keep out' sign. Harry stepped forward and knocked on the door. Hermione's head peaked out. When she saw her friends she signed in relief. 

"You gave us a fright!! How's your arm and leg?" She asked both of her friends while letting them in. 

"Fine" Harry replied walking towards Ron.

"I thought it would take longer time but it didn't... Madam Pomfrey's magic is something else" Y/n replied with a smile. Hermione grinned back

"How was your day?? did you get the ingredients??" Harry asked them.

"Oh yeah.... Did it went good??? you guys didn't get caught, did you?" Y/n asked looking at Ron and Hermione alternatively.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other with unreadable face. Which neither Harry nor Y/n could understand.

3 Hours Earlier

Hermione and Ron were taking their Potions class. They were brewing their potions in the corner of the room, near Snape's personal collection of potion making stuff. Ron was not paying attention. He was waiting for Hermione's signal.

A Day before.

"So..How are we going to get the stuff for Polyjuice Potion???" Y/n asked eating the oranges Collin Creevey gave her. 

"We know we have to steal from Snape...But How..It no easy thing to do." Ron said eating the oranges sitting beside Y/n's legs. 

"Well... I think we would have to wait until we get discharge" Harry said looking at Y/n and Ron who were looking like they weren't paying attention at all. They looked too busy eating the oranges.

'I would be lying if I said those oranges don't look good' Harry thought.

"No...The soon the potion is ready..the better...We have to get them somehow" Hermione said thinking deep.

"You two can do it!!" Y/n said cheerfully looking at Ron and Hermione. They looked at her with surprise

"What are you talking about??" Hermione asked

"I don't think we could do without you" Ron chuckled and Y/n signed looking at him.

"If you think won't be able to do anything......ever " Y/n said to him, giving him hint of what they talked about last year. Ron understood it right away and nodded smiling slightly.

"But...there's no way we could do it without your presence" Hermione said to her. Y/n looked at her boringly.

"Do I have to repeat two can do it...I know you can" Y/n said encouragingly.

"But" Hermione asked again

"Harry and I are noticeable in the potion classroom... Harry because Snape's grudge against him..and Me because---" Y/n was cutted off by Ron.

"For being the best student" Ron smirked 

"Yeah..Exactly.... Plus Professor Snape doesn't pay much attention to Ron and..You got a clean record... If we three got caught stealing something.. we would be expelled right away..but if you do it..then you'll just get detention... They won't expel the best student of second year" Y/n explained, Hermione was trying hard not to beam by Y/n's words

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