Chapter 33 - The Dementor

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"Someone give me an Oscar for not smiling"

3rd person's POV

The next day, Everyone was ready to leave for Hogwarts. Surprisingly, The Ministry had arranged two cars for the Kims and Weasleys. Eric suggested that Harry, Ron and Hermione join the Kims in their car since they have lots of space and Mr. Weasley was thankful for that. 

"Why is The Ministry providing us cars, Dad?" Percy asked as he help his father put the luggage in the car trunk.

"Because you became the Headboy of Hogwarts" Y/n said sarcastically putting Haru's cage in the back seat along with Hedwig's, Making almost everyone around her chuckle. Eric looked at her proudly.

"Really?" Percy asked almost believing Y/n, which made everyone laugh this time.

"Apparently Not, You see, I don't have a car and I'm a good employee, so they're helping us with little payback service." Mr. Weasley said. Percy nodded disappointedly but Ginny got a doubt and decided to ask about it.

"What about you??? Why did they provide you a car?" Ginny asked Eric.

"The Ministry just likes me alot." Eric replied grinning at Ginny, who laughed at the statement. "I'm not joking, we get a car every year" Eric continued as Harry, Ron and Jake sat on the middle seat of the car.

"Wait, I thought that was our car" Y/n said as Hermione, Eric and Herself sat in the front seat.(Its a magical car that can fit many people. so 6 people on front and middle seats can sit comfortably)

"Come on, Honey. We don't own a car....." Eric said sitting on driver's seat ".....yet" Eric completed whispering at the end. Y/n and Hermione heard him and laughed.

"Ready to go, Eric?" Mr. Weasley asked

"Can't let the kids miss their train now, can we?.." Eric asked starting the car

"What did you say?" Mr. Weasley asked not getting Eric's sarcasm.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be, Arthur" Eric replied smiling at Mr. Weasley's innocence.

"Okay!!" Mr. Weasley said and begun to drive out of Diagon Alley.

While driving through London, Ron excitedly looked out the window, watching the Muggle world.

"Why are we taking the Muggle roadways?? I thought the Wolon's Road was easier pathway to reach King's Cross Station?" Jake asked looking at Eric

"Wolon's Road?" Harry and Ron asked in Unison and Hermione scoffed.

"You've been taking that road for 2 years and you don't about it??" Hermione said in disbelief

"If I did know, why would I bother to ask?" Ron snapped back. Hermione was about to backfire with something but Y/n stepped in and stopped the possible argument

"Its the road ways mostly used by Wizards and Witches. Its easier to get to the station since that road is made using Magic and there won't be any traffic" Y/n explained

"Yes, and that road is considered not safe for few days, you know.. for some reasons" Eric replied glancing at Harry on the end. Harry and Y/n understood what he was talking about. The rest were confused. 

After few minutes, Eric stopped the car somewhere and was about to get out, Y/n interrupted him.

"Where are you going??? Wouldn't we get late for the train?" Y/n asked

"There's one and half hours to spare currently, we will at King's Cross in half an hour from here. You all won't be late" Eric replied

"But where are you going?" Jake asked 

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