Chapter 21 - The Whispers and Cries

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"At this point...I can't tell, if it is just random whispers ..or warning."


3rd Person's POV


'Just Why in the world I can hear those???' Y/n panicked

"What?" Harry muttered.He could hear the voices too

"Sorry??" Lockhart pardoned 

"That voice" Harry said confusedly

"voice?" Lockhart looked around

"Didn't you hear it????Y/n..did you heard it?" Harry looked at her 

"I did" She replied nodding her head a little 

"what are you two talking about????I think you're getting a bit drowsy" Lockhart chuckled and looked at the clock "And great Scott!!, no wonder. Look at the time, we've been nearly four hours....Spooky how the time flies when one is having fun" Lockhart said looking around the room checking if he heard anything. Harry and Y/n looked at each other.


After few minutes, when they came out the room both of burst with questions

"What was that?..Why couldn't Lockhart hear it?" Harry asked Y/n

"I don't know...He must be focusing alot on 'signing' his photocard" Y/n said like she didn't care about what she heard

"I don't think its must be something else..if we both of us heard it and Lockhart didn't, there must be something!!! by the look on your face, I assume you do know something" Harry stopped in his track forcing Y/n to do same

'There's no running away, huh??' Y/n signed

"I'm not sure Harry, What if...we're not supposed to hear them but....we do" Y/n shrugged 

"Do you think we're the only ones who hear that voice?? there must someone else who can--" Harry was interrupted

"Blood....I smell blood"   

"Let me rip you"

"Its coming from the walls" Y/n  pointed at wall. Harry pressed his ear near the wall

"Let me kill you" The voice started to move

"Let's go Harry!!!!!" Harry followed the voice that repeated the word 'kill' alternatively

'No matter how much I hate her...If we hurry...then..maybe.....maybe..I can save her' that was Y/n had in her mind

They hurriedly followed the voice. they were almost near it..just a little bit closer

"Harry!!!" Hermione and Ron were in front of them. 

"Did you hear it?" Harry said automatically

"Hear what?" Ron asked back

"That voice" Harry looked around

"Voice? what voice?" Hermione asked him

"there's a voice around here... we can hear it" Harry replied them

" 'we'?? who else?" Ron asked him

"Y/n!!! She can hear the voice too...right Y/n??..." There was no response. Harry looked back to where Y/n was. the place was empty

"Where is she?" Ron asked looking at Harry

"Was she with you?" Hermione asked Harry worriedly

"Yes..we were together since our detention.. She was with me all the time!!" Harry looked around trying to find his best friend

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