Chapter 48 - The End - Part 2

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"You won't notice yet..... but Your presence matters much more than you can imagine... for all I would be the miracle for everyone in this world."


3rd Person's POV

Harry woke up after around 30 minutes, His first words the moment he woke up was "I saw my dad...". 

"what?" Hermione said walking towards him. "he sent the dementors away... I saw him across the lake" Harry said to Y/n with a smile. Y/n signed and Hermione said "Listen Harry, They've captured Sirius.... Any minute now, the dementors are gonna perform the kiss".

Harry jolted up as soon as he heard this "They're gonna kill him!!!". Hermione replied "no, its worse.. much worse". "They're going to suck out his soul" Y/n said and just as she finished the door of the hospital wing opened loudly. 

Dumbledore entered the room and Hermione approached him the same second. Harry stood up but stumbled a little so Y/n helped him walk. "Headmaster, You've got to stop them!!" Hermione said loudly "They've got the wrong man" 

Dumbledore looked at Y/n and she said "Its true Sir, Sirius Black is innocent". Dumbledore understood, he knew that Y/n won't say something like this unless its true. "its Scabbers who did it" Ron said suddenly from behind them. He was lying on the bed with his right leg covered in plaster. "Scabbers?" Dumbledore asked raising his eyebrows.

 Ron begun "He's my rat, sir......He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat. But then they gave him an owl--". Hermione interrupted before Ron could speak more "-the point is, we know the truth.. Please, believe us..."

"I do, Ms. Granger" Dumbledore said caringly patted Hermione's shoulder. "But I'm sorry to say the word of three 13-year-old and one 12-year-old wizards and witch would will convince few others" 

"One 12-year-old?" Harry, Hermione and Ron asked the question in Unison. They didn't understand that fact. All of them were third years, it was impossible for a twelve year old to be with them. "Who's 12, sir?" Ron asked. "Did you not tell them?" Dumbledore asked. The 13-year-old kids followed his gaze and the person turned out to be Y/n. 

Y/n stared at her friends' face one by one and nervously chuckled. "I didn't" She wanted to sound normal and confident but the voice that came out was small and shy. She looked down with pink tint on her cheeks. 

Dumbledore knew he got Y/n in trouble so he decided to change the topic. He walked towards Ron while saying "A child's voice, however honest and true is--" he begun patting Ron's broken leg. They way he pat was probably hurting Ron, he whimpered silently. "--meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen". At the end, Ron's painful whimper reached Dumbledore's ears. He realized what he was doing. He walked away from Ron.

Dumbledore stared at the girls. "Mysterious thing, time". Hermione and Y/n stared at eachother while Dumbledore continued "powerful...and when meddled with, dangerous." Dumbledore stood a meter away from the kids and stared at the huge wall clock in front of the Hospital Wing. "Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark tower." 

Dumbledore turned behind and said "You know the laws, young ladies.... You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chimes" Dumbledore said approaching the girls, Harry and Ron were confused by the girls understood every word their headmaster was saying. "If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss... If you succeed tonight..... more than one innocent life may be spared." Dumbledore completed. he was about to leave but turned back again and said "Three turns should do it, I think" Dumbledore winked at the last and walked out. 

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