Chapter 41 - The Christmas Presents

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"I trust her, alright?? She's WAY more important to me than a stupid wooden broom"


3rd Person's POV

The next morning, Hermione woke up to find the dormitory empty. Everyone else have gone back to spend the vacation with their families. She looked over to find Y/n's bed empty. 

Hermione got up and walked towards the bathroom hoping that Y/n was there but to her surprise, Y/n wasn't there. A small sense of panic ran through her, but she ignored it because Y/n's wand wasn't on the night stand which meant she had it with her. Hermione knew that Y/n is more than powerful to protect herself so she quickly got ready and went downstairs to common room. 

She saw Y/n sitting near the fireplace while reading something which looked like she was again reading her manga. Hermione walked towards her and sat next to her. She saw that Y/n was drinking something lavender. 

"Good morning, Hermione" Y/n smiled 

"Good morning... What is that?" Hermione asked looking at the drink

"Oh.. its Boba tea" Y/n replied slurping the drink

"Where did you get that from?" Hermione asked 

"I sent Haru to get it.. I know someone who makes them and is a wizard.. They send me anytime I tell them too... there's many flavours actually.. but I was craving for Taro Boba, so I got this one, want to try it?" Y/n asked offering her drink to Hermione. 

Hermione was little nervous. It was her first time drink something like this. She took one sip as Y/n held the cup. It was an odd taste for her, but she knew it wasn't a bad taste. She took one more sip and like the taste.

"Is it good?" Y/n asked 

"Its..... better.. than I expected" Hermione replied chewing the tapioca pearls.

Y/n giggled and they heard someone come down. It was Jake, Fred and George. Since Y/n had to stay at Hogwarts, Jake refused to go home as well and since he didn't go, his best friends Fred and George decided to stay back too saying 'they didn't want Jake to have peace' and everyone knew that they were staying back so that Jake doesn't feel lonely. 

"Is that Boba tea?" Jake asked as soon as his eyes fell on Y/n. He went towards her and took a sip from the sip. Hermione slightly turned pink because it was her who took the last sip before him. Y/n didn't feel bothered. It wasn't the first time for this siblings to eat or drink from each other's plates or even spoons. It was normal for them to share food like this.

"It's been a while since I last drank that" Jake said taking seat on the couch next to Y/n.

They spent few minutes talking like that. Soon Ron came down. He said Harry was still sleeping, so they let him sleep and went to have Breakfast. The Great Hall was almost empty. Just few students were left behind. 

Y/n, Hermione, Ron, Jake, Fred and George were the only students to sit on the Gryffindor table. Y/n invited the two nervous Ravenclaw first years to join them. Since there was only on student on the Slytherin table. Not listening to Ron, Jake invited him as well, since the boy was Jake's classmate. 

The breakfast went fine. Jake, Fred, George and the Slytherin boy went to Hogsmeade since they were allowed to go like that. Y/n, Ron and Hermione went back to the Common Room. They sat together near the fire place. Hermione was reading a book and Y/n was reading the manga she couldn't finish this morning. Ron was completing his homework which he left pending.

After almost two hours, Y/n finished her manga and Ron completed his homework as well. Since both of them had nothing to do, they started playing wizard's chess. Since both Y/n and Ron were great players, the game was intense. Hermione peeked over her book just to see how the match between Y/n and Ron was. 

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