Chapter 7

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*Leonardo's POV*
*2 weeks later*

I woke up this morning to Aurora in my ear whispering

"Hewo?....Hewoooo? Wakey wakey?"

I pretended I was still sleep and rolled over.
"Wakeeeee uwp pwease" she whispered a little louder this time.
I ignored her pretending I'm still sleeping, after a while I reliziled she stopped and I opened my eyes slightly and seen her sitting down facing me with her arms crossed pouting. Then she got out of the bed herself and went in the bathroom. She was taking a long time and just when I about to get up and check on her she walked out of the bathroom with her shirt tucked in her pants.

But this time she walked past the bed and out of the bedroom door. I followed her out the door, she walked down the stairs and to Koda's room and took him out of his cage, and of course he followed her. I he's in the hallway next to Koda's room so she didn't see me.

She slipped on her shoes from the back door and walked out side with Koda behind her. Where could she possibly be going?

I keep following them but keep my distance so she doesn't see me. I decided to come out.

"Aurora what are you doing out here by yourself"
"Ummmm.... I'm not out hwere by mwyself, you here wit me" she said looking up at me innocently.
"Then why we're you out here by yourself? You can't come outside by yourself with no one's permission. It's dangerous baby" I say walking closer to her and picking her up. "Where were you trying to go anyway?"
" I was twing to gwo see my flower friends. There a wot of them you have to see thwem, and then their sooooo big." She said stretching her arm out wide trying to show me how big they were. " if I show you me fwower fwins you have to pwomise to not tell anyone or they mwite cwut them down.. bwut there my fwins and their weawy butaful to mwe" she says holding out her pinky finger.
"I promise I won't cut your flowers down or tell anyone about them" I say and rap my much bigger pinky finger around hers.

"Where are your flowers at?" I ask her
"They are over there she points in some bushes to our left, as I got closer I seen the trees clearing and a field of beautiful flowers. There were so many of all types.
"There so beautiful baby. How did you find them?"
"Umm I don't no" she shrugged giggling while trying to get down. Then I look further in the field and see Koda rolling around in the flowers, he must have been walking ahead of us.

As soon as Aurora gets out of my arms she starts running towards Koda making sure not to step on any of the flowers. I follow after her slowly making sure I don't step on any of the flowers.

When I finally get to her her and Koda are sitting in a patch of grass that doesn't have flowers.I sat down beside her and I hear Aurora whimper, and her lips start to tremble as her eyes water.
"What's wrong baby, why are you crying?" I asked
"Humph!...Your on my flowers, your sitting on my flower!" She said and got up trying to push me off her flower, but I started tickling her and she fell back laughing and giggling.

"Swop it. Swop daddy"
I was so caught up in tickling her I almost didn't realize she called me daddy. I smiled and stop tickling her.
"Baby what did you call me?"
"I cwalled you daddy 'cause were a fwamily and me da baby and your the daddy and mamas the mommy and then I hab bwuders"
"Your so smart baby" I say ruffling her hair and she smiled up at me
"Let's go back inside"

"Okay daddy. Koda come here."

After walking through a lot of bushes and trees we finally made it back home.
"You need a bath your all dirty"

"No I don't"

"Yea you do" I said holding out my hand for her to grab.
We got upstairs and I ran a bath for her and let her play in the bubbles.
"Daddy wook I hab a bubbles beard. Hohoho merry Christmas. She said holding out her hand towards me that had bubbles in them.

"Thanks you baby but your dripping water on the floor how about you put them back in the bathtub" I say walking in to the bedroom closet to get her clothes for when she got out.




Sorry for not posting so long this is a "quick"update

Bye y'all 😃

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