Chapter thirteen

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"You two love birds just couldnt wait!" I yell at Grent and lucy with a laugh. After their anniversary , almost 2 wees later it had been announced Lucy was prego! May I spell it out? P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T. I was 8 months pregnant, finally almost done! As for Lucy, she was only about 5, Really. "Your baby and my baby are going to be best friends!" I squeal picturing it. Lucy rolls her eyes, but smiles. "Yes darling. I just find it extremely creepy were prego around the same time."
   "Hey blame that on you guys, that wasn't anybody elses fault." I laugh.  As for wedding details, we have been planning it all out. But we wanted to wait till after the baby was born. It would all be to much of a hassle, dealing with baby stuff & wedding stuff? uhhh no. "Anyways, ill see you guys later." I respond getting up from the couch. "Ive got to get home to see my lovely, lover." I say and smile goofy. "Mk" Lucy says getting up as well and giving me a big hug. "Love youu" I say to her and Grent "Love you to pig" Grent says back. I laugh and stuck my tongue out at him. I grab my bag and left with one more turn waving with a big smile. I just loved them to bits.

    "BABBBYY!" I hear someone shout as I leave. I look up and see Lee "Lee!" I answer back and we go into a careful big hug. "Omg its been forever since ive seen you!" Lee says. I laugh "Yes, yesterday was so long ago." She laughs. "I was just dropping by to say hi to these losers" she goes on and gestures to Lucy and Grents house. I laugh "Ok, well Ill see you later. Love you" I say and kiss her on the cheek.

    When I get home I see Miles on the couch watching sports. "Hey babe" I say setting my bag down. "Hey princess" He replies turning towards me showing off his cute side smile. I sigh "I don't know how long im going to be able to carry this baby! Why cant guys get pregnant" I whine. Miles makes a face "Imagine how scary looking that would be." He states. I open my mouth to say something but pause and shrug "Your right" I lean down to kiss him. As least I wasn't over fat like some girls were. I lean out and start walking to the nursery we had made for our daughter. YES DAUGHTER! WHOOP! We didn't know what her name was going to be yet. Its hard. I look around the peach colored walls with small paintings of animals decorated. The room was beautiful, and I couldn't wait to hold my daughter in my arms singing to her as she falls asleep. I rub my hands on her stomach, and start singing softly
"Isnt she lovely. Isnt she wonderful? Isnt she precious. Less than one minute old. And I never thought, through love we'd be, Making one as lovely as she. But isnt she lovely, made from love"

    "You have such a beautiful voice. Like an angel." I hear the familiar voice say, I turn and see Miles leaning on the side of the door with admiration in his eyes and love at his lips . I smile and my cheeks flush. Still get this feeling when hes around me, and I loved it. He walks over to me and kisses me until not one of us can breathe. But I wrap my arms around him and let only the baby bump separate us. Sighing I say "I've got to go to the store for some things." Miles kisses the top of my head. "Ill go with you." "No" I respond "Youve had a long day with work and all just go lay down, and when I come back we'll have milk and cookies talking about our day and stuff." Miles laughs. "Ok Princess."

 I unwillingly let go of him, and felt a sudden cold without his touch. Grabbing my bag, I kiss him one more time. "Love you!" "Love you too baby, be careful!" "I always am babe" I say with  a laugh and walk to the car.

I sigh once again, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. What the hell was up with this light? There wasn't even anyone on the streets for crying out loud. I purse my lips, just wanting to get home to Miles. When the light, after forever, flicks green I turn the wheel to make a turn. And right when I do, I just have a few moments to grasp that there was a pair of headlights coming to my side and then boom. Crash and blackout.

Lucy, Lee, Grent & Miles were in the waiting room. As for Talishas parents, they were on their way still. The room hung with nothing but sobs and cries. And the pounding of Miles head on the wall, hoping to wake up from this nightamare, although he knew it felt like a nightmare, it was reality. After an hour a doctor named Dr. Maria came in and everyone seemed to stop breathing "Mr. Harvey?" she says Miles already standing up rushes to her side "Is she ok, is my baby ok??" He starts to ask Dr.Maria frantically puts her hand up to silent him. "We dont know if your fiance will make it. But we do know, we need to save the baby. And that's what were working on at the moment. Im sorry, thats all the information I have right now." She says and leaves quickly, not standing the horror and sorrowful faces on everyone. Miles, with a frown on his face, breaks down to the floor and starts crying. Talishas mom comforts him, and cries with him too. She and Talishas dad had arrived a little while ago. They pray and pray, But no matter what, Miles felt his heart at the bottom of his stomach. He might loose Talisha, He might loose the baby or worse, both.

Lee, Lucy, and Grent, were reminiscing all the memories with her in their minds, to stop from thinking negatively. Tears were flowing down their cheeks as well.  And now more than anything in the world, Just like Miles and her parents, they wanted to see her, and her smile, and her bubbly voice that could talk forever and ever about the amazing things in life.

Then the nurse walked in, saying that Talisha most likely will not make it. 

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