chapter four

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A growl comes up from the other side of the room "Leave my mate alone! Thats not even near funny Chasity" I see Miles stand up with an angry expression on his face. "None of us think its funny, except for these little freshman stupid asses" He says looking at the ones that laughed.
Chasity giggles "Yet your REJECTED her!"
If looks could kill he would have strangled her by now. He growls and rushes out the Cafeteria, while Chasity smiles with a triumphant smile on her face and skips off with some followers behind her.

I think I was overwhelmed by shock, when I realized that hardly anyone laughed, half of it coming from imagination. Half  of it from losers who think laughing will get Chasity to love them. She is the queen bee. But I was more shocked from Miles standing up for me. Had he realized rejecting me was a mistake?! Had the others felt guilty? Obviously. They looked like they wanted to kill her as well.  "Well that was.... quite a show" Lee laughed awkwardly. "Trust me, the shows were even better 2 years ago" I mumble sitting at a table followed by the others.  A giggle escapes from Lucy "Awks bro" I shrug and take a bite of my sandwich. I feel stares and looks thrown at us as I look around. Rolling my eyes I go back to eating my sandwich "Whats up with people looking at us?" Lucy asks"Were just that hot" Emmett said and winked. I snort "Or probably wondering what the hell is wrong with your face" Flicking me off he goes on eating.

After lunch, I quickly walk down the hallways not wanting to be late for class, not needing any more attention than I want. Accidentally looking away to look at the clock on the side, I slam into something rough dropping my books, thus setting off sparks EVERYWHERE inside me. Snapping my head up I see Miles already looking at me with bewildered eyes. "Im so sorry!" I says and pick up my books walking off trying to stay firm and strong. My knees were all jelly and my heart felt like it was going to jump out any moment.
I was one of the pack warriors in MY pack. I AM strong. But somehow, this town. This school. The people here, were almost like a real weakness of mine. The memories came to my mind, almost like an instinct. Places I looked, it was like those movies where you can see it happening in your mind. Re- living that memory. Miles being my mate, made me even more nervous and paranoid.

The rest of the day I avoided seeing Miles or anyone I think I knew. Texting the gang I was going straight home after school, I quickly rush to the doors to leave. Only to be stopped by Chasity "Hi!" She said standing in front of me along with her followers on the side "I was like wondering if you wanted to hang out with us today!" I grimace "No, sorry I have to do things." She rolls her eyes "Hang out with your loser of your friends?" "Losers? Do I hear jealousy because you will never be as pretty as Lucy or Lee? And because they're classy and not hoes like you?" She gasp and so do people around us causing attention. Great. "Listen you little twat" She hisses. "Maybe you don't know this but I RULE this school-" "You think you do, but in reality everyone laughs at you and hates you behind your back"  Laughs go around and I stiffle a smile. Her eye twitches and she steps closer "How dare you say that! You've only been here for a day! May I remind you my dads the beta! I can have you and your pathetic friends OUT OF THIS TOWN" She screeches.

I laugh and shake my head "I think its pathetic you need your dad to solve your problems!" By this time a group formed around us, and I could feel my pack , Miles and others near as well. Laughs and chuckles go around at my last remark . Chasity's cheeks turn rosy from embarrassment and anger. "You think your all tough and all just cause your 'new' and 'a pack warrior' BOO HOO. ILL BEAT YOUR ASS!" I raise an eyebrow "Honey, you'll be on the ground before you know it" I reply with a smirk. By this time, she moves in for an attack. But before she can hit me or push me, I grabbed her arm put it behind her back, and pushed her into the lockers. "Want to try another move, sweetheart" I say and let go stepping back. People were shouting, laughing, and in complete awh. Nobody likes Chasity, I could tell. But I don't think anyone would actually stand up to her, since OUR dad was the beta and could do some serious punishment if anyone hurt his 'Angel'.

Chasity turns around with tears in her eyes and face flushed. "Who do you think you are!?" She shrieks. I clench my jaw "Im the girl everyone put through hell for most of my life. ESPECIALLY you! Im the 'fatty'. In reality I'm just Talisha Mahon." I say and gasp come from everywhere, including her. I twirl and leave towards the exit only hearing the foot steps of mine leaving the school.

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