Chapter five

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I squint as I look out the window carefully behind the curtain into the dark outside from up stairs. The lights were turned off all over the house, and all the doors were locked. Me, Lee, Lucy, Emmet and Grent were upstairs in my room. All day people have came, knocked and rang ALOT hoping we were here. My parents, old acquaintances, everyone!- kind of. Everyone knew who I was now and they were eagerly,excited and nervous to see me again. I wasnt.

Miles especially has been outside since 5:00. I sigh as I read the time on the alarm clock on my bed. "8:05" I mumble "When will he leave?" 
Grent rolls his eyes "Couldn't keep that mouth shut could you, love? Now were stuck in here pretending were not home, even though Im pretty sure he can smell your scent." Grabbing a pillow near by I fling it at him "If someone tried harder to go to a different pack, we wouldn't be in here  would be" I hissed.
"Oh hush" Lee adds into our conversation "Both of you. At least the secrets out, they were gonna find out anyways"
Me and Grent look at each other and shrug. It was true but not THIS early. But it was quite a perfect time to tell out the secret. A smile spreads across my face as I remember what I did to my sister. I could've done a lot worse- with all that anger towards her inside of me, but somehow did the least. But embarrassment was off the charts to her. I giggle at the remembrance,
"Whats so funny?" Lucy ask
"Remembering at the embarrassed flushed face my sister had earlier"
They all broke into laughter "Oh! That was amazing by the way! I couldn't stop laughing at her face!" Emmet claps and throws his head back laughing.
"Well done young one, well done!"

I chuckle and once again look out the window and see that Miles is gone, and there is no one in sight. A sigh of relief floods out of me "All coast is clear, now im going to bed. Its been such a long day!" I moan.

"Well Saturday is tomorrow" Lee says getting up from my bed "For sure people are going to want to try and find you. Be prepared, you cant hide forever."
I sigh knowing she was right. Nodding I smile and give them all hug and 'good nights!"
When I changed into pjs, washed my face and teeth all that good stuff, and was laying in bed,
I couldnt help but get these overwhelming butterflies in my stomach.

Was I ready to face my old pack? My parents? My MATE, who rejected me?! All I was in this town was nothing but a reject.  
Memories, Memories, Memories  is all Ive had since I got here, which I think is personally haunting me. It was like this whole place haunted me. I hated it and like before, had the urge to run far far away from here.  Like fire trying to escape its own kindle of light. 

I sit up and yawn, stretching my body. I blink a couple of times before my head rushes with memories of yesterday. "UGH!" I groan collapsing back onto the bed. "Get up, show time!!" Lee says coming into the room with her arms crossed on her chest. I give her a confused look before she sighs "People have been knocking, especially your parents and dumb mate" She hisses obviously annoyed. I frown and breathe as calmy as I can "I dont want to face them" I whipser.

Lee smiles and ruffles my hair "No escaping now. Just remember, we'll beat anyones ass if they try something on you." She says with a smile  "Now get up before they barge the door down babe" I chuckle and quickly go to the bathroom to shower. After, I change into a cute high-low skirt with a flowery purple tight shirt.
I curl my hair a little bit and put on the usual make-up.

I sigh walking downstairs. I wish I was back at MY pack grounds. I missed everyone so much. I wasnt hungry, the anxiousness in my stomach left me no space for food. "FINALLY! No offense, Talisha, but your old  pack is annoying as hell! We love you, and wish you didnt have to face these people again but- they know already, so make them stop knocking and ringing!" Grent babbles really annoyed.  I roll my eyes "I know, I know!" I sigh and walk to the door and look out the peep hole to see a bunch of people.

Why were they here? Did they really care? Or surprised I was back after 2 years? Feeling a hand touch my back, I jump startled. "Ill be with you" Lucy says. I turn and smile at her "Ok" I reply reaching for the door knob and twisting it. With one last shaky sigh, I open the door and walk out. Almost everyone stops talking and doing what they are doing and look at me.
Then in an instant they are in front of the porch asking where I have been, how did I change, and other things I couldnt understand.

I felt like I was a celebrity , being bombarded with questions by the paparazzi. "Ok Ok!" I say raising my hands and a hush comes over the mini crowd
"Yes I am back. But if it was up to me, I would have never came. Portions of MY pack had to spread out because of the rouges, and we were forced here." I say firmly "I dont know why you guys are here in the first place, everyone treated me horrible in this pack" I added harshley

"Honey, we all regret it, we do. I- I was a horrible mom yes but please forgive us.. me. You dont know the hell we've been through these 2 years" My mother spoke up. I look towards her direction and see she had tears in her eyes and my dads, who was holding her tightly. I gasp alittle and feel warmth in my heart, knowing my parents had actually cared. I shake my head  slowly
"I - I will forgive you. All. But it would take time... Maybe not even the time that Im here." I say.

"No thats not fair" I hear a voice but I knew exactly who it was, My Mate. I look over and see him walking towards me with  glimmer in his eye "We HAVE been through hell! Especially me, I rejected you. I was horrible, popularity getting to me. And it will be something I will forever regret" He shaking a bit to the memory " I, WE should have never treated you that way. Were more then sorry, Talisha.. We've tried going out to find you, telling other packs. Everything, I even went to London searching for your scent, knowing you had a passion for it"
My cheeks heated at the memory. I had always said I was moving to London when Im older, escaping this trashbag of a pack as far as I can get. Im still planning on it.
"Were so sorry, just please- please" He says looking down. "Try forgiving us, give us a chance." He says looking up. I bite my lip nervously looking at his handsome face. He had gotten even more cuter, my mate attraction was bubbling inside me. Wanting to kiss him all over, feeling his lips on mine and be in his arms.I shift uncomfortably looking away.

"How bout this" I say regaining my strength back "My pack, and your pack will act as if we were 'friends' normal and all. Kind of like we were starting over. BUT,  May I remind you, my pack knows everything. They have some straws with you guys"
Twinkle of happiness and hope come into My parents and mates eyes. "Its good! Better then nothing!" Miles says smiling. I smile back.

I know they didnt deserve my deal, they deserved to have the cold shoulder and be hated by me forever. Well that's what I wanted in the back of my mind. I just wanted to put this behind me and kinda ACT like friends. Might as well make this stay a bit better then anxiety, stares, and people looking at us like they looked at the cullens in twilight for being different.

"Now please!, Let us rest!" Lucy adds and rushes me and her into the house "BYE!" Lucy shouts out closing the door. I laugh and shake my head. "You did good.. Nice deal! Make this stay at least a but enjoyable, eh?" She says like she was reading my mind.  I sigh and smile kind of happy and peaceful for the first time we were here. My mind just kept nagging me about Miles...


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