Chapter two

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"No shes going to get mad, you know how Lucy is!" I say giggling. Grent rolls his eyes, "Just do it!" He whispered in a yell like state. Raising my eyebrows I put my hand up "Whats the magic word" "Really Talisha?" "Yes." "Please" He huffs out. I grin "Better". I turn around and barge into the room "LUCY WAKE YOUR LAZY ASS UP" I scream jumping onto her bed. Lucys eyes snap open in alarm and jumps. In less then a nanosecond she knows what we we were up to. She grabs a pillow and hits me HARD causing me to fall to the floor, face first. "Damn werewolf strength" I mutter getting up. Lucy laughs "You deserved it! Its Saturday, you couldn't let me sleep in?" "GRENT MADE ME!" I say pointing at the door where he had been recording the whole thing, laughing. "Your so DEAD!" She shrieks and runs after him, while he runs for his life knowing she could do serious damage until he deletes it, mate or not, she hates it when one of us pulls stuff like that.

I smile at my friends. I didnt know where I would be if it werent for them.  Probably dead. After I ran away I went into the woods, far deep into the woods I should say. For  a week I was in wolf form and only eating off from what I hunted, and with my experience of training I didnt get much. I never went into wolf form, I would get teased and beaten down badly when I did. When I thought I was finally going to die, Lucy found me. She brought me back and I was taken care of. I soon had to tell them my story and why I was in the woods. I was welcomed to the pack, loved, and helped. I had never been so happier and grateful in my life. I moved into a pack house with people named Lucy, Grent, Emmet, and Lee. Who are now my best friends, and I loved them to death. Lucy and Grent however are mates, they are the cutest thing ever. But sometimes, they forget they live in a house with 3 other people. Wink, if you know what I mean. And then theres Emmet who is Alpha of the pack.

Training, I was always in wolf form and since I started working out more, I lost ALOT of weight. With the help of Lucy and Lee I know how to dress, do my make up, and act classy but strong when it comes to fighting. Me, Lucy and Lee are the pack warriors believe it or not. Soon at school we became popular, never would I have thought that ME, Talisha Mahon, Would be popular in her whole life! These 2 years have been the most best years of my life.

"Are you coming for breakfast or not, Tali?" Lucy says breaking me out of my own little memories. "Yeah, hold on" I say going to the mirror in her room. I put my blonde hair up in a pony tail. My natural hair was brown, but dyed it blonde a couple months ago. My cheeks were a bit rosy, and my green eyes were sparked a bit. I smile loving the thin, beautiful girl looking back. 

I Run down the stairs quickly, I slide into the kitchen "Save some for me!" I look at the plate in the middle of the table, my friends stuffung their  faces. I quickly grab 2 and put it on the plastic plate "Gosh fat asses" I mumble with a small smirk "We heard that! Werewolf hearing!" Lee says. I laugh and  sit at the table "I think I knew that".

"OF COURSE ITS NOT OK TO GO THERE! TELL THEM WE REFUSE TO GO THERE." I hear Lee scream when me and Lucy come in to the house after going to get ice cream. Me and Lucy look at each other and rush into the living room
"What in the world are you guys arguing about now?" I say looking at Lee and Emmett.
"Say it Emmet. Tell her" Lee says angrily folding her arms against her chest giving him a death look. He sighs and looks down then at us "Listen, the rouges are to much. some of us are spreading out... We, this pack house, is going to go to Morning Star pack for awhille. I couldn't change it I-"
I didn't even hear the rest of his sentence because my whole body was freaking out. "No , No NO" I shriek . Not my OLD PACK. Anything but that! My chest starts heaving high, and its hard for me to take deep breaths. I could feel the tears starting at the back of my eyes, remembering all those horrible memories. I drop the ice cream, and run out of the house into the woods. Something im good at. I run and run in wolf form until my whole body is numb, and my legs were so weak I couldn't even stand. I hadn't even noticed I was getting drowsy, and Its not even 5 minutes later when I got back to the house that Im dozed of from exhaustion.

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