chapter six

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"I HATE SCHOOL SO MUCH" Lee roars stomping up the stairs to the school. Me and Lucy roll our eyes "Causal routine for a Monday" Emmet mumbles. Lee hates Mondays more than anything, and is so grumpy in the morning. We walk inside the school to find people stop and look at us for at least 5 seconds. Lee steps back "The fuck are you guys looking at? Weirdos" She says and continues to her locker. Everyone snaps out of it and tries to go back to what they were doing. "Isnt Lee such a sweet beautiful thing?" Emmet says with sarcasm at the tip of his tone.
I shake my head and laugh while walking toward my locker.

Didnt I make a deal with them? They should be treating us like friends. I sigh and start to take my books out into my backpack
"Hey Tali!" A girls voice says from behind me. I twirl on my heel to find the captain cheerleader, Meli, smiling genuinely at me. And it felt extremely strange "Hi?" "Sorry to bother you but" She sticks out her hand with a piece of paper on it "Theres going to be a bond fire today. We do it every first Mondays of the month in the winter. We would love to have you and your other pack mates as well" I hesitantly take the paper from her. I felt as if it were a trick. When I went they would do some evil plan on me.

But I had forgotten I was in the present. I mentally shake myself "Yeah" I smile "We would love to go" "Awesome! Its at the pack house in the backyard. 7:00! See you there lovely!" She replies with a huge smile and leaves

"You want us to go to the Bond Fire?" Emmet says confused peeling a bannana. We were at our house after school, and I was barely talking about them about the bond fire.  "Sure why not, we can make new friends?" I reply with a small smile. The gang looks at me all weird. My smile falls and I roll my eyes "Really, Im trying to put my past behind me."
Lee smiles "Yeah were going to go of course. I- we know you really dont these kind of things" She was right. I hated having small gatherings. I was ussually to lazy to want to leave the house alot of the times. I shrug and smile.  "THEN WERE OFF THEN" Lucy shouts and runs to the coat hangers. I grab my coat and a light purple scarf giving me a more fashionista look, har har,  ba dum tsk.

When we arrive at the pack house it was around 7:00 and it was getting a bit chilly with the sun going down. We walk to the backyard where there was already may people. "Talisha! You came!" My mom exclaims while rushing towards me and giving me a hug, thus where I just stand there awkward.  She backs away and gives me a guilty smile "Ive just missed you so much" softly my mother says. I smile "Its fine"

"MY STOMACH IS GOING TO EXPLODE" Roars Grent after sitting down and gobbling all his food down in under 10c seconds.. "Yeah thats because that was like your 10th hamburger" Lucy says causing us to laugh a bit. "Hey Im a werewolf, I eat alot and end up regretting it."
"Its so nice to see you here!" A voice says behind us. I turn to see Meli coming towards me with a genuine smile "Hi nice to meet you!" Holding her hand out to Lee and then the rest. And ends with giving me a hug "I didnt think you would come" She says sheepishly. I laugh "Well were here" She nods. "Well, Ill see you around guys! Sorry, Its busy around here! I have to keep making food for hungry werewolves" Meli says waving as she leaves. "Ill help" Lucy says and gets up to help her "Really? Thank you so much!" Meli replies smiling wide and goes off talking with Lucy.

"Shes so nice!" Lee says. I look at her and smile "Yeah she is." ,Meli never did actually bully me. Most of the time she would just be in the back waiting for the rest of the popular gang to finish their business with me and leave.  "Shes really realllyy really cute" Emmet says out of no where receiving  a weird stare from all of us. He frowns "Did I say anything wrong? Fuck off" "Dont get booty tickled" I tease chuckling at the end "Hey how bout you sh-" Emmet was then interrupted by a voice "Talisha!" I turn to the side and see Miles coming, and my heart skipped a beat to the sight of him.
"Will you stop? He rejected you!" Somewhere in the back of my brain says.
"Hi guys!" Miles waves to the gang. They do an awkard smile and mutter "hi's" and "hello's"
"Lets go for a walk?" Miles ask hope in his eyes and a smile on his face. I look at him for a second and hesitantly said yes. "Ill be back in a bit guys!" I tell the gang over my shoulder.

"So how are you liking your stay here?" Miles ask trying to stir a conversation. I shrug "Its fine, weve only been here for like 4 days" I laugh awkwardly at the end. "True.. Its been hectic round here. Everyone knowing and all. We missed you, you know." I roll my eyes
"What made people start missing me?! I was a joke to everyone"
"It was a mistake." He says stopping and turns his body to face me. "We hadnt realized how immature we had been. Our Alpha put us staright when he found out why you did leave, not that I needed it, I was already really heartbroken."

I let out a breathe "Really? And you didnt think about that when you rejected me?"
"Talisha" He puts his arm around my wrist gently. "I was so so stupid, if I could go back I would. That night right after, I went looking for you. I saw your note, I was the first to find out you were gone. You dont know how heartbroken I have been. Now that your back, I feel like fate is giving me a second chance.I swear Talisha Mahon I will do anything to have and keep your heart forever. I will NEVER give up." He gets closer to my face and our bodies seemed to match eachother.  and for a moment I couldnt breathe or think. Moving from my wrist to my hands he huskily whispers in a gentle tone "Trust me , princess.I will never give up on you. Not till the day I stop breathing, and my heart goes along with it"

He lets go and walks away. Leaving me dumbfounded, shocked, frozen, and my heart beating up to more than 1000 times.

* Da qUQ did I write? SORRY ITS VERRY SUCKY! My mind is such in a daze! /:*

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