Chapter seven

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Lucy and me walk in circles around the tables with a teddy bear and my favorite candy. Next to the presents was a note on the side that said:

            "Hope you had a good sleep beautiful, See you later Xx - Miles"

"What does he mean by see you later?" Lucy ask. "How am I suppose to know? I have no idea." I reply shaking my head. "Woah thow cute! Whos this for?!" Lee walks in and rushes to the bear and candy. Lucy chuckles "From Talishas wonderful mate, Miles!" She says with a white girl voice putting her hand on her heart acting excited and holding out the note to her. She giggles when finished reading. "Cute" Rolling my eyes I pick them up and put them outside in the backyard. "Why would I want them?." I shake my head. Ever since Monday hes walked me to classes, even if it meant him running to class to not be late. He has paid for my lunch, has talked to me whenever he has the chance and all. Miles is a lovely guy. Really funny and all but it was hard after everything to actually want him. Miles is trying to get me to be attracted to him. In ways I already am, he knows that, but attracted to actually want to be with him. Not just the mate bond.  I was just glad it was finally Saturday.

"What did you guys talk about on Monday?" Lee ask sitting herself at the table. I make a face and shrug. "Nothing really, just how Ive been and stuff" I partly lie. "Ok you little liar" Lucy comments with a smirk.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, thinking. "What does he mean by see you later?" I mutter under my breathe. Is he referring to see you around? Or something else? I squint and look around to see Lee and Lucy giving me a weird look "Why is the house peaceful and calm? Where are the boys?" I ask.

"The boys went out with some guys from the football team. I think their names are Allen and Rigo? Not sure." Lucy responds pouring cereal into a bowl.  Lee chuckles "At least those losers are finally getting to be with guys around here other then girls. I love them to death but they could be a pain in the arse sometimes"

"Wise words, Lee" I laugh and leave to the bathroom to shower. When done and all I slip into leggings and a beautiful white shirt with a denim jacket on top. I brush my hair and let it dry to my natural wavy hair.

"TALI YOU HAVE A VISITOORRRR" I hear Lucy yell from downstairs. My heart pounds loudly and I start to get butterflies. Could it be Miles?.. I walk out quietly from my room and peek around the corner downstairs to see Lucy and Lee with their arms crossed giving him a dirty look. "Whatcha doing here, Miles" Lee questions. He shifts uncomfortably. "I was wondering if maybe Talisha would want to go for breakfast?"

"I dont think she wants to. Sorry" Lee says with a big smile. I sigh and roll my eyes. So protective. I rush downstairs and pretend I didnt hear anything. "Uhm- hey Miles" I say awkwardly giving a small wave. I look at Lucy and Lee and nod "We'll be in the kicthen if you need us" Lucy murmurs walking into the kitchen followed by Lee.

"Good Morning by the way" Miles says and looks at me. I smile "Good Morning." For somewhat reason it all felt weird.. awkward kind of.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go for some breakfast?" I smile and try to say no off but am cut off by my stomach growling. I flutter my hand to my stomach embarrassed. "Your hungry, lets go c'mon. Its on me" He smiles holding out his hand. I bite my lip and give a small smile before placing my hand into his, which fit perfectly.

I throw my head back laughing "Im not kidding! It was so embarrassing! I was wearing a cape around school running and pointing my arms like superman, and when I was rushing down the stairs, tripped and fell!" Miles laughs clapping his hands "Oh my god!"
"I was laughing and almost crying. I had to go home for the rest of the day because my ankle was swollen. Totally worth it!" I laugh and Miles as well. "Your such a goof!" He says taking a small piece of a pancake and throws it at me softly. I scoff and act hurt "Excuse you!" I reply grabbing 3 blueberries "Now now, no need to do-" I cut him off by throwing them all at once, one soft one bursting onto his face. 

I stop for a moment and look at him with wide eyes before bursting into a huge fit of laughter "Har Har very funny" He says wiping his face while I was still laughing "Ok Ok" He says getting up coming around to my side "Wha-What are you doing?" I ask my laughter dying down. He smiles and quickly grabs whip cream from the plate, and grabs me by my waist smearing it on my cheek and tickling me. "Hey sto-stop!" I giggle and squirm in his arms. "Stop!" I laugh "Say you think Miles is the cutest boy alive!" Miles says "Never!" I reply laughing and squirming.

"HEY YOU TWO!! GET OUT! NOW!! FILTHY TEENS!" Someone shouts from the diner kicthen and we hear big footsteps coming. He stops, I stop, everyone stops. I look around to see people looking at us weridly. I couldnt help but let out a laugh. "C'mon" Miles says pulling me out and running out of the restaurant hand in hand. We stop running when we cant see the diner that much. I bend over and laugh "See what you got us into! You got us kicked out!"

"Hey don't blame this on me Mrs. had to throw blueberries back!" Miles replies. I shake my head and laugh sticking out my tounge. "Lets go back to my house now" I say walking letting my hands rush through the flowers. "Close your eyes, Talisha" I twirl and give Miles a confused face. "Just cover your eyes please" He says waving his hands. I raise an eyebrow and put my hands over my eyes.

I hear rustling and moving. I waited unpaitentley "Miles, Im cold" I whine. I hear him softly chuckle. "Almost done.... Here now uncover your eyes!" I put my hands down and see Miles with his hand behind his back. I tilt my head backwards and squint. "What are you up to?" He grins in response.
"For the most beautifulest girl I have ever laid my eyes on, and the most amazing girl I have ever met." He holds out some pretty colorful flowers. "To my gorgeous mate, Talisha Mahon"

My mouth was in a O formation and I raised my hand to my cheeks feeling myself blush madly. I take them slowly and smile widly. "They're beautiful. Thank you" Miles smiles widely. "And for your coldness, love" He wraps his arms around me and I couldnt help but wrap my arms around his neck, my flowers in one hand. The way we fit, was so perfectly. It was the first time we ever actually hugged, and I felt so happy. Warmth, love, home. So many things. He buries his face into my neck, only giving me more butterflies. I liked- no loved this feeling. With him.Wrapped in his arms.

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