New Pennywise

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New Pennywise is currently eating at a McDonald's with his casual friend, Ronald Mcdonald. Discussing Current events on what is going on in Derry.

Ronald Mcdonald: You seem upset, can I cheer you up with a McFlurry?

New Pennywise: I... Don't worry about it...

Robald Mcdonald; Don't try ti trick me I kbow you are upset

New Pennywise cries thats why there is red lines on his face

Ronald Mcdinald: Ok you are being a sensitive bitch

New Pennywise: Shut the fuck up, you are not a real friend, here take your big mac

Ronald Mcdonald reaches to grab his big mac

New Pennywise eats him whole

New Pennywise: And I thought he was my soulmate :(... I have to take a shit

A sudden regret of him killing the Losers club haunts him

New Pennywise: I cant believe i did all that, I don't think I can forgive myself for that, what triggered this memory?

New Pennywise is dumb, literally the sewers triggered the memory

New Pennywise: Oh it's the toilets connected to the sewers

New Pennywise went to the bathroom and looked in the mirrors, he saw Ronald Mcdonald behind him

Ronald Mcdonald: You thought you were gonna get rid of me? Foolish

New Pennywise: Please, Please, Please go away, I don't have time for this, let me find my soulmate

Ronald Mcdonald puts his arms around New Pennywises Neck and twists it

New Pennywise fell down to the floor

Mark the sewer rat crawled out of the toilet (mark can travel because he doesn't need a soulmate, he guides people)


New Pennywise: Everybody betray me, I'm fed up with this world, YOU'RE TEARING ME APART RONALD, yeah I'm okay thanks for asking

Mark: Anyways, I am mark

New Pennywise: Oh hi mark, who are you

Mark: Unfortunately I am not your soulmate, I wish I was because you are very hot and I wanna kiss you and tell you that I love you. But no, I am guiding you to your soulmate

New Pennywise: Too much information, lmao anyways, who is my soulmate?

Mark: I cannot tell you you have to go on the toilet for a second

New Pennywise: Why are you telling me to go on the toilet? I know that I have to piss

Mark: Try it

New Pennywise: You are weird you are scaring me. How can you even talk? you are a rat for fuck sake

Mark: Do you wanna meet your soulmate or not?

New Pennywise: Alright Fine

New pennywise sits on the toilet

New pennywise: Wait, where did Ronald Mcdonald go?

Mark: I cleansed this space, say "thank you very much"

New Pennywise: Thank you very mu-

Mark presses the flush lever on the toilet and New Pennywise falls down into the void portal in the toilet pipes

New Pennywise is now in the void and Old Pennywise is also in the void

New Pennywise/Old Pennywise: What the fuck is happening, I can't see anything

New Pennywise/Old Pennywise: Why does my voice have reverb?

To be continued

next chapter: The Void

Soulmate Void:  A Old Pennywise X New Pennywise storyWhere stories live. Discover now