The Interrogation/ Courtroom

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Detective: So we are starting off with some questions, after this interview you are being sent to the courtroom to see your verdict! Let me know when you are ready!

They purposely stall it for an hour

Detective:... I'm going to... you know what you guys are ready no matter what you say. I got a family to feed and bills to pay. I ain't got time for this bullshit. Please let me know when you are actually ready and stop stalling before I cry

They stall it another hour

Detective: You know what, I already know your verdict, guilty! I didn't even have to interview!

Mark: Okay Fine, I was just playing laugh out loud.

Detective: Finally someone is talking, may I interview you? Since those clowns won't answer me

Mark: Sure! I know everything plus we had the same perspective

Detective: Okay, for the first question, how do you feel about the situation?

Mark: Remorse, I did not know it would end up like this

Detective: Tell me precisely what happened

Mark: The Pennywises were having a fight with Ronald McDonald, and I helped out and I feel bad for it, I should not have done that.

Detective: Was there blood?

Mark: It was my blood, and a random balloon's blood. I doubt any of the blood is Ronald's, he is immortal

Detective: You sure he is immortal?

Mark: Wait, uh nooooo

Detective: Mental Typo

Mark: Yes ma'am

Detective: I'm going to send y'all to the courtroom now, see ya winky face

They exit the interrogation room, and enter the courtroom

Detective: So guys, here are the suspects, to this situation, introduce yourselves

New Pennywise: I am new Pennywise

Old Pennywise: I am Old Pennywise

Mark: I'm Mark

Detective: Where is your lawyer?

Mark: We don't have one

Detective: Well, you are not going to have much luck with that.

Ronald McDonald is the Judge, Plaintiff, Witness, Defendant

Ronald McDonald: So, let's get it started! Detective you got anything to say?

Detective: So the information I've gathered, the suicide was faked, Ronald McDonald was murdered! The blood puddle was Mark's, the note was poor handwriting, and there was a random bear traps, who has bear traps in a McDonald's? Especially for suicide

Ronald McDonald: In my defense, I was very angry at McDonald's so I went on a rampage and fought with my friends. Mark, what's your stance?

Mark: I was witnessing it, I saw my friends in danger, I did not want to see them in danger, so in defense I finished off Ronald McDonald, brutally

Ronald McDonald: Right, New Pennywise

New Pennywise: I really wanted to find my soulmate, so I got sensitive and lashed out on Ronald McDonald, and then all this happened.

Ronald McDonald: Alright, Old Pennywise...

Old Pennywise: I was defending my soulmate, then Ronald McDonald told me that New Pennywise was cheating on me with him. That turned out to be false

Soulmate Void:  A Old Pennywise X New Pennywise storyWhere stories live. Discover now