The Police Car Ride

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Derry Sherriff Cars enter the Derry Park
The Police exit out their police cars

Officer BigMac: We are looking for two Pennywises and a rat?

Both Pennywises + Mark: Umm

Officer BigMac: You are under arrest, we are doing an investigation

Mark: No, we are not going anywhere

Mark and the Pennywises try to flee the scene but Officer BigMac captures them with a lasso

Officer BigMac: You are going in this cop's car, he'll drive you to the Office

Officer BigMac throws the three into the Cop Car

10 minutes pass and Old Pennywise checks the mirror, it appears that the driver has resemblance to Ronald McDonald, oh wait. It is definitely Ronald McDonald!

Old Pennywise: Guys, I think that's Ronald McDonald, He's alive!

Ronald McDonald: Look what you've done, you do not even know what I've been through

A tear sheds down Ronald McDonald's face

Ronald McDonald: McDonald's removed me from their commercials, and my hometown, McDonaldland. My own restaurant betrayed me

Mark: Oh my god, I am so sorry

Ronald McDonald: I'm bringing y'all to the investigation room

New Pennywise: Oh lord

Old Pennywise: I see why...

Ronald McDonald: Sorry I lashed out on you all, I was just pissed that McDonald's cancelled me. But now you have to apologize for what y'all did to me during my breakdown.

They all apologized

Ronald McDonald: You're still going to get investigated and arrested

New Pennywise: That's perfectly fine, I understand

Both Pennywises: Maybe Ronald McDonald isn't so bad, we sincerely apologise, also how did you survive all that?

Ronald McDonald: I am immortal, I have the same powers as you, i don't know why you stopped using your powers

Both Pennywise: We figured it was evil so we stopped doing it because we do not want to be evil anymore

Ronald McDonald: Mark, you are quiet, got anything to say?

Mark: I didn't do much but I apologize for the ending of that situation

Ronald McDonald: Okay good, you apologized

New Pennywise: And yeah, sorry for being impatient for finding my soulmate, but now I've found mine

Ronald McDonald: Also Old Pennywise, about me dating New Pennywise, yeah that was fake. I was using the hallucination powers that you used to do
Also, if McDonald's bring me back into their advertisements I'd also forgive them. If you invite me to your wedding I'll let you out of prison. But for now you are staying

New Pennywise: Will we also get Big Macs?

Ronald McDonald tears up and smiles

Ronald McDonald: Of course! I'll get you all your meals after prison, Oh! we arrived!

They arrive at the Derry Police Station

Ronald McDonald: Everyone hop out of the car! I'll see you in the investigation room!

Mark and the Pennywises walk into the Station

Desk Officer: Heyy, the interrogation room is down the hallway to the left. All 3 of you are going right?

Mark: Right

They walk into the interrogation room

Detective: Hey besties, you are here for the interrogation right?

Mark: That is correct

Soulmate Void:  A Old Pennywise X New Pennywise storyWhere stories live. Discover now