The Offspring

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Crying gets progressively louder

New Pennywise: Why is there crying? We haven't killed anyone in ages!?!?! Are we feared or something? Why is there a crib with a blanket over it

Old Pennywise: A crib with a blanket??

New Pennywise: Right, I hear crying and a crib

Old Pennywise: Let's lift the blanket up

They lift it up and see a hideous baby

Old Pennywise: WTF IS THAT??!?!?!?!?!

The baby cries louder than the sonic boom


Old Pennywise puts the blanket back on the hideous baby

That: I'm crying because I've been put in this earth without my will, I do not want to exist

The crib shakes vigorously

The crib exploded and all the parts are scattered across the ground. The baby doubled in size

New Pennywise: What exactly are you?

That: I am the offspring of both of you, artificially created in a capsule in an asexual reproduction.

New Pennywise: Why on Earth would Mark create such a hideous creature

Old Pennywise: I hate my son

That: You know what, I hate you too, I hate everyone, I hate Mark, I hate Ronald McDonald. The Joker is relatable because of society, I do not hate the Joker

Old Pennywise: Are you really our son? You can't betray us by liking the Joker

THAT lifts up the crib parts and throws them at Old Pennywise

That: IN HEAVEN, EVERYTHING IS FINE so it's time for y'all to die so my life will be a better place

Old Pennywise: I can't believe Mark created this foul being

THAT: My existence is to kill everyone and everything that hates me

Old Pennywise: Your face literally looks like a fidget spinner, I don't think anyone would fear you. You are just a pathetic loser. Like the Losers Club

THAT: Why did you kill the Losers Club? They were just people living their everyday lives with phobias.

Old Pennywise: Because they're losers.... duh. Also we're done killing. We are pacifists now right New Pennywise?

New Pennywise: Right

THAT controls the water and turns it into water vapor, leaving everything else the water countained on the ground.

THAT: I am going to cause the environmental damage to the earth

THAT's face begins to spin as he flies away. THAT is fully grown now also

New Pennywise: What a pathetic loser, I can't believe Mark betrayed us like this by creating THAT.

Old Pennywise: It's not like he knew or anything but yeah this is terrible

THAT: TRICKED YOU I AM NOT LEAVING UNTIL BOTH OF YOU DIE, also that Joker's corpse. I actually controlled the corpse before I was actually supposed to form

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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