The Void

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Old Pennywise speaks in unison with New Pennywise, thinking it is just a voice echo.

Both Pennywises: I think mark tricked me

New Pennywise has an idea, maybe if he claps Old Pennywise will notice

So New Pennywise clapped

Old Pennywise: I didn't do that? Maybe Mark was right all along and I was not stuck in a black hole, damn that would be the end of me

New Pennywise heard Old Pennywise's speech

New Pennywise: Soulmate is that you? We talked in unison for some reason and you sound oddly familiar

Old Pennywise: You also sound familiar, what is up?

New Pennywise: Could this be....

Old Pennywise: No....... This can't be. I am my own soulmate? Wait what color is your hair

New Pennywise: Oh mine is orange

Old Pennywise: Mine is red so different versions?

New Pennywise: Perhaps

Old Pennywise: I wish I can see you

Mark: It shows that love is blind, if you wanna see each other, both agree on a date

New Pennywise: Oh hi mark, at a picnic at Derry Park

Old Pennywise: Sounds good

Mark clears the void and they are now at their desired place

Old Pennywise: omg this is so beautiful

New Pennywise is questioning reality

New Pennywise: How is myself my soulmate and how did I meet myself, this is existentialism right there lmao

Soulmate Void:  A Old Pennywise X New Pennywise storyWhere stories live. Discover now