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The Pennywises arrive at the Alps Mountains. They quickly stop shapeshifting because they swore not to use their powers, but had no other means of transportation so they just did that. They will never shapeshift again, just letting y'all know


Old Pennywise: I love the way you yodel, I will try to yodel: TODELFIUOYDODOELDOCODO

New Pennywise: That's not how you yodel

A random sheep: BAAAAAAAAAAAAA

New Pennywise: Hey sheep

A Random sheep: Baaaa

New Pennywise: That's a normal sheep, it doesn't talk. Unlike mark, who can talk and is very cool

Old Pennywise: How do I yodel?

New Pennywise: Focus


New Pennywise: I love slowed + reverb. You did amazing

Old Pennywise: Awww thank you!! Anyways, isn't this view romantic?

New Pennywise: I know, I'm glad we chose the alps mountains. Ich liebe dich (I love you)

Old Pennywise: Ich Auch (Same)

New Pennywise: Du kennst Deustch? (You know german?)

Old Pennywise: Ja, sicherlich (Yeah, of course!)

New Pennywise: Yodel ay hee hoo!

Sheep: Baaaa

Old Pennywise: Lets slide down the mountains

They slide down the mountains and it feels like a fever dream. The atmosphere is fuzzy

New Pennywise: I will never leave you, you are too perfect, we are lost in a moment

They fell to the ground

The sheep surround them in harmony

The sheeps: Baaaaaaa!!! Ba ba baaa baaa (Wtf are these clowns doing here)

New Pennywise: Hey sheeps, sheeps are so adorable I love them

New Pennywise pets the sheeps

A sheep bites New Pennywise

New Pennywise: Oh mein gott! Es schmerzt (omg it hurts)

Old Pennywise walks over to New Pennywise

Old pennywise: Are you okay? Hey sheeps what was that for? That was very rude of y'all. I can't believe you've done this. You will now be scared of me if you do it again

The sheep: Baa baa (yeah whatever, bye losers)

New Pennywise: Wtf was their problem?

Old Pennywise: I have no idea

It starts raining and thundering

Old Pennywise: I love thunder, it's so romantic and soothing I hope we get striked by lightning. This honeymoon reminds me of Lana Adele Ray

New Pennywise: Yes this is very ldr-esque with the gothic themes from the thunder and stuff

Old Pennywise: Exactly

They get striked by lightning

The capsule they got from Mark starts to shake and grow, the capsule grows in water

Old Pennywise: I wonder wtf they gave us

New Pennywise: I hope its not a bomb and they secretly hate us and want to kill us

Soulmate Void:  A Old Pennywise X New Pennywise storyWhere stories live. Discover now